Setting Data Format



Data format refers to the form of data presentation. In the Jodoo dashboard, the fields supported to set data format is:

  • Number and Date&Time display fields in the detail table
  • all measure fields in the statistics table

Application Scenarios

When you need to display the number by a percentage, you can set the percentage format.

When you only need to display the year of the date, you can set the date format.

Where to Set

Take the measure field in the statistical table as an example, select a field and select Data Display Format.


In the following figure, the data format of the weight measure is set to retain two decimal places and display Unit.


For number data, the following three types of display formats are supported:

  • Numeric
  • Percentage
  • Custom

Numeric Format

The numeric format supports the following three types of display settings:

  • Thousand Separator
  • Decimal Places: maximum five decimal places
  • Unit

Note: Unit is only supported in Indicator (dimension is zero and measure is one). All other chart types do not support the setting.

Percentage Format

The percentage format supports the following two types of display settings:

  • Thousand Separator
  • Decimal Places: maximum five decimal places

Custom Format

1. Formula rules

The predefined format of formula rules for numeric fields is as follows:

  • #: It is a number placeholder. When you use the sign, only meaningful data is displayed and meaningless data is not displayed. If the number after the decimal point is larger than the number of "#", it will be rounded to the "#" digit. If the number after the decimal point is smaller than the number of "#", it will display the actual value. For example, enter in the text box: ###.##, 23.1 is displayed as 23.1, and 23.1578 is displayed as 23.16.
  • 0 : It is a number placeholder complement. If the length of the data before the decimal point is larger than the placeholder, the actual data is displayed. If it is less than the length of the placeholder, it is complemented by 0. If the length of the data after the decimal point is larger than the placeholder, it will be rounded to the nearest "0". If the number after the decimal point is less than the number of "0", it will be rounded up with "0". For example, enter 000.00 in the text box, 23.1 is displayed as 023.10 and 23.1578 is displayed as 023.16.
  • ,: It is a thousand separator. The sign can be inserted into "#" or "0". It can be inserted into a number. Legitimate use form:
    • a. used before the decimal point
    • b. used between "#" or “o”
  • %: It is a percentage. It can be used after a number placeholder or a number complement. Data is displayed as a percentage. For example, the code is #%, so 23.1 is displayed as 2310%.
  • [Num0]: displaying the original data
  • Prefix: You can directly add the prefix characters before "[Num0]", "#" or "0". The form of prefix supports Chinese characters, English uppercase, English lowercase, ¥, $, and space.

2. Demonstration

  • In the text box, enter: 0000, 23 is displayed as 0023; 23999 is displayed as 23999.
  • In the text box, enter: 0000.00, 23 is displayed as 0023.00; 23.142 is displayed as 0023.14.
  • In the text box, enter: 00.0%, 0.1233 is displayed as 12.3%.

You can customize the format based on your needs.


Data Format in the Detail Table

The Date&Time field in the detail table supports setting the data format as Preset or Custom.

1. Preset Format

Select Preset and choose the corresponding display format. The supported formats are:

  • yyyy–MM–dd
  • yyyy–MM–dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy年MM月dd日
  • yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒
  • yyyy年MM月dd日 星期
  • yyyy年MM月
  • MM月dd日
  • 星期

2. Custom Format

a. Formula Rules

The formula for the custom format is as follows:

  • The original data is 2015/06/09.
  • yy means the year and is displayed as 15.
  • yyyy means the year and is displayed as 2015.
  • M means the month and is displayed as 6.
  • MM means the month and is displayed as 06.
  • d means the day and is displayed as 9.
  • dd means the day and is displayed as 09.
  • HH means 24–hour time.
  • mm means minutes.
  • ss means second.
  • E means day of the week, the result is 0~6, which means from Sunday to Saturday respectively.
  • You can insert "year", "month", "day", /, – directly in the formula combination to display different combinations.

Edit the Date&Time field in the dashboard, select Custom, and enter a custom formula in the text box.

b. Demonstration

When the date is June 9, 2015, enter yyyy/MM/dd in the text box, the data will be displayed as 2015/06/09.

You can set the format based on your needs.

Data Format in the Statistics Table

If the dimension field in the statistics table is a Date&Time field, it supports setting the data format. However, the data format only supports the following two types:

  • yyyy/MM
  • yy/MM

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