Dashboards Data Permissions



After you have analyzed data through dashboards, you can publish them to members so that they can view and manage. You need to set permissions for members.

There are several parts in dashboard permissions:



Visiting Permission

The permission of visiting the whole dashboard

Data Viewing Permission

View single data in dashboards

Data Processing Permission

The permission of editing and deleting data

Visiting permission is the basis that other permissions can take effect. Only you have set the visiting permission can members view or process data in dashboards.

Application Scenarios

In the performance statistics scenario, you can publish the performance analysis dashboard to members and set data permissions that they can only view data related to themselves.

Visiting Permission

Publishing dashboards to members means that you give them visiting permission.

Data Viewing Permission

When the component in dashboards is chart, you can set Data Access Permission.

Access can decide the range of data that members can see when opening the dashboard. After setting access, you can control data viewing permission.

Members who have different levels have different permissions, which can be achieved through access. Managers can view all data. Department heads can only view data within the department. Members can only view data submitted by themselves.

Data Processing Permission

After having data processing permission, you can add, edit, and delete data. You can also directly manage data in dashboards.

Here is an example of copying, editing, and deleting single data or exporting data in a detail table after setting processing permission.

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