Login History



Login History records the detailed sign-in logs of members in a company, such as Member, Login Time, Platform, and IP.


The login history only keeps the logs for the last six months.

Application Scenario(s)

  • A member needs to check the detailed information in Login History, such as the login time.
  • If a member fails to log in to Jodoo, you can check Login History to identify the cause of the failure.


In Login History, you can check the member who logged in, the login time, and so on.

Setting Procedure

Where to Check

Click your avatar and go to Management > Login History.

Checking Login History

Filter a member's login history by the member's name and login time.

Checking Member Info Card

In Login History, you can now click the login user's name to view their info card, obtaining details such as profile pictures, names, emails, and departments. This enables you to differentiate members better.


For the deactivated and the delete members, the system shows the prompt that "This Member is not included in the organization structure".

Exporting Login History

1. Exporting procedure

For login history, you can also periodically export and archive the logs.

2. Exporting rule

Here are the rules to follow when you export the logs:

  1. After an attachment is exported, click Download Now to download it in time. The attachment will expire in 24 hours. After the expiration, you can export it again before downloading.
  2. You can export up to 20,000 rows for sign-in logs at a time. Only the latest 20,000 rows will be exported, and any excess data beyond this limit will not be included.
  3. For the data exceeding the limit, you can set filters to export all the data in batches.

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