Setting Conditional Formatting

For the table-type chart components, there are three ways to set colors in Conditional Formatting, namely, Data Range, Gradient, and Data Bar.

  • Data Range: setting corresponding colors for the background and text of a chart by setting Data Range
  • Gradient: only setting colors for the background of the minimum and maximum value
  • Data Bar: setting colors for the positive and negative value, and the axis; setting Axis Position and Show Data Bars Only.

In Data Range, the values that are not within the data range you set are of the same color.

For example, the values 60 and 77 are blue set by default.

Setting Colors for Measure in Pivot Tables

In a pivot table, you can add conditions for measures in Conditional Formatting to set colors for the background and the measures.

Setting Colors for Number and Text in Detail Tables

You can set Conditional Formatting to set colors for the background and the value of a detail table.

For example, in a student grade table, you can set different colors for different classes and for the scores within different data ranges.

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