How to Select Approvers Whenever Needed


Case Introduction

In some scenarios, the approvers of a workflow are not predetermined by the admin during the workflow design phase. Instead, they are selected during the approval process based on the actual conditions.

Application Scenario(s)

The approvers in a workflow are not fixed, and you need to select approvers during the workflow review.

Design Ideas

Create a workflow form and add a member field to the form. During the approval process, an approver/initiator can select a member in the field. The selected member will be the approver for the next node.


For example, the member you selected when initiating a workflow will be the initial approver.

How to enable workflow participants to select an approver for the next workflow node whenever needed? Or how to set a dynamic approver? In this article, we will take member fields as an example. The same principles apply to department fields.

Setting Procedure

Designing a Workflow Form

In Design, add a member field. The member selected will be the approver for the subsequent workflow review.

You can select a Member/Members field according to the number of approvers as you need.

  • If there is only one approver, select the Member field.
  • If there are multiple approvers, select the Members field.

Besides member fields, you can add other fields to enter approval comments, which will be stored to the system.

Designing a Workflow

In the reimbursement approval, there are two approval nodes. The approver of each node should be selected at the last node.

1. Set the workflow start node.

Click the start node, go to Field Properties > Field Permissions, and tick Initial Approver under View and Edit respectively. Then you can select initial approvers during the approval process.

2. Set the initial review node.

The initial approver selected at the start node is set as the approver at the Initial Approval node.

At the initial approval node, not only do you need to review the application, but also need to select the approver for the next node.

3. Set the final review node.

As the final review node in the workflow, there is no need to continue selecting approvers. Only the node approver and related field permissions need to be set.

After finishing all the settings, public the workflow to the member who needs to submit a workflow.


a. On PC

When initiating a workflow, select an approver for the next node. For example, select Jodoo Official as the initial approver.

The approver at the node is the member you selected when submitting data.

b. On Mobile

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