How to Set Certain Fields in a Workflow Form as Required


Case Introduction

In some cases, you need to fill in certain fields in a workflow form before submission.

Application Scenario(s)

For example, for financial reimbursement, members must fill in the expense category field before submission.

Design Idea(s)

Option one:

Set certain fields as required by setting Validations on submission to the workflow. To do this, you can set a formula to judge whether a field is empty. If it is empty, you cannot submit data and will receive a prompt.

Option two:

Set certain fields as required by ticking Required under Validation. In a workflow, if you need an approver to fill in a required field, you can grant the editing permission for the field to the approver.


Setting Validations on Submission to the Workflow

This article will explain the setting procedures according to data in the Financial Management System template.

Designing a Workflow

Enter the installed Financial Management System app, and select the Expense Reimbursement Request form. After that, click  and then Edit.

Then enter the Workflow page, select the node for which you want to set the required fields, and set Data to be Submitted in Node Properties > Advanced.

For example, in the case that the Expense Category field needs to be filled in before submission, you can click Add Condition under Data to Be Submitted, and set Validations on submission to the Expense Category field.


If the data filled in does not meet the conditions for validation, you will fail to submit the form.


If you set Data to Be Submitted at another node, the validation will be triggered when you submit data at the node.

Ticking Required under Validation

Setting Validation in Field Properties

Enter the Design page, select the fields that should be filled in, and tick Required in Validation under Field Properties.

Setting Field Permissions

On the Workflow page, click the node that needs to fill in the required field. Then go to Node Properties > Basic > Field Permissions to set the permission of viewing and editing.


After setting the field property as required, you cannot submit data to initiate the workflow if the required field is empty. You will also receive a prompt at the same time.

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