Why Can't I Add/Delete Nodes or Connections


Problem Statement

When a workflow is published, you cannot add or delete nodes, or relocate the elements.

Problem Root

In a published workflow, there can be data in the flow. If the current proces is redesigned, the flow can be halted or report errors.


If you need to redesign a workflow (i.e., to add/delete nodes, redirect connectors, etc.), you should add a new version for it.

Workflow Versions


A workflow version can be marked Draft, Active, or Previous.

  • Draft: Currently in design, and never enabled. There is no completed workflow of a draft version.
  • Active: Currently in use. The initiated workflows go on according to the design of this version.
  • Previous: Previously in use but replaced by a later one. There can be completed workflows of previous versions, or uncompleted workflows still going on according to the previous design.

Switching Between Versions

Only the Draft versions are ready for all kinds of modifications. You are able to add/delete nodes, add/delete connections, add/delete conditions for flowing, and set for node properties and workflow properties. In the Active version, or a Previous version, you can only edit node properties and workflow properties.

Therefore, in order to complete major modifications for nodes, connections, etc., you have to add a new workflow version, which automatically copies the former settings, and redesign the flow. It will be put into use after enabled.

Refer to Workflow Versions Management for details.

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