Troubleshooting: Why are Form Fields Not Visible?


When designing the form, you can set whether a field is visible or not. However, sometimes members cannot see some important fields when filling in the forms, this is because there is something wrong with the form settings.

For a field that is not visible, you can troubleshoot and adjust the settings by following these steps:

Problems and Troubleshooting

Regular Form

1. Cannot see the field when filling in the form.

If members cannot see the field when filling in the form, they can ask the admins to adjust field permissions. Here are the setting steps:

a. Go to Design, click the field, and go to Field Properties.

b. Tick View under Field Permissions.

2. Cannot see the field from the permission set.

If a member can not see the field when viewing the form from a permission set, admins first need to check whether View is ticked in Field Permissions.

If the field is set as visible in Field Permissions, admins should check permission settings. Here are the steps:

a. Go to Publish > To Members.

b. Go to the permission set that the member belongs to, and click Edit.

c. Click Fields, then check whether the field is ticked under View.

3. Cannot see the field after setting Field Display Rules.

Sometimes members cannot see the field even though admins have checked the above two settings and found no problem. This might be because the field has been configured in Field Display Rules.

Admins can go to Design > Form Properties and check the existing display rules. If the field is set as the displayed field in the rules, admins can click Edit to make adjustments.

Workflow Form

1. Cannot see the field when initiating the workflow.

Members who cannot see the field when initiating the workflow can ask admins to adjust field permissions. Here are the steps:

a. Go to Workflow, select the Start node, and go to Node Properties.

b. Check whether the field is ticked under View in Field Permissions.

2. Cannot see the field when reviewing the workflow.

If the approver cannot see the field when reviewing the workflow, they can ask admins to adjust field permissions. Here are the steps:

1. Go to Workflow, select the Approval node, and go to Node Properties.

b. Check whether the field is ticked under View in Field Permissions.

3. Cannot see the field from the permission set.

Refer to "Cannot See the Field from the Permission Set" in the "Regular Form" section.

4. Cannot see the field after setting Field Display Rules.

Sometimes members cannot see the field even though admins have checked the above three settings and found no problem. This might be because the field has been configured in Field Display Rules.

For details, refer to "Cannot See the Field after Setting Field Display Rules" in the "Regular Form" section.

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