Workflow FAQ

Q: What are the reasons for the failure to save the workflow design?

1. The approver/field permissions is not set.

2. The cc member is not set.

3. Signatures are not available.

Q: How to deal with temporarily stored data?

The temporarily stored data will also appear in the database. The admin can delete the temporarily stored data in the backend or assign members permission to delete it.

Q: Why are Validations on form submission set not verified when submitted?

If there is a workflow form, you can select a certain node, go to Node Properties > Advanced to set the node validations.

Q: Why did adding or deleting nodes and connectors fail?

Settings to the workflow are only finished in Design, including adding and deleting nodes, adding and changing connectors, adding and changing conditions, and setting node properties and workflow properties. You can only set the node and workflow properties in the Previous and Active versions.

To add or delete nodes in the currently active version, you need to create a workflow version (the configuration of the previous version will be automatically copied), edit the new workflow, and enable it after completion.

Q: When the approver is processing the workflow, why does it prompt "The task has been processed"?

1. Other approvers have processed the workflow.

2. The workflow initiator withdraws the workflow.

3. The admin processed the workflow.

Q: Why doesn't the data proceed?

1. No approvers are set.

2. Submit data from public links, but use the workflow initiator as the approver.

3. Hidden fields, proceeding condition fields, or the Member/Members field and the Department/Departments field as dynamic approvers are not set to View. At this time, go to Design > Form Properties > Hidden Field Default Value and select Always Re-calculate.

For details, see Proceeding Data.

Q: How to update the record?

1. The admin manages and updates data in the backstage.

2. Set the permission set to edit data.

3. Go to Workflow Properties and enable Allow initiators to withdraw. (The task can only be withdrawn if approvers of the subsequent nodes have not processed it).

4. Create a new dashboard and a detail table, and set Access to Same as Member. (The data source form needs to assign members permission to edit data).

Q: Why is the field permission set to View in the workflow form, but it is still invisible when creating a form?

The visibility or invisibility of field permissions of the workflow form needs to be set in Design > Node Properties in each node.

Q: The workflow node is set to Submit&Print, how to do if forgetting to print and exiting after submitting?

If you need to print the relevant record when submitting in the workflow, but submit the record without printing it, you can also find the record in Processed or Initiated for printing.

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