


Data collaboration refers to sharing data with enterprise members and external users so they can add, modify, view, or check data. In Extension > Advanced, you can adjust the record title, enable record revision history, and set comments.

Application Scenario(s)

  • When there are too much data, you can use record titles to identify the data quickly.
  • When modifying form data, you can enable record revision history so other members can check data updated details. When conducting a questionnaire, you can disable record revision history so members' data is protected.
  • When viewing the data, you can use the feature (@) to mention relevant members in the comments, so they can locate the data in time and confirm the data information.

Setting Procedure

Where to Set

Select a form, click Edit, and go to Extension > Advanced.

What to Set

Data collaboration includes Record Title, Quick Edit, Record Revision History, and Comments. For details, see:

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