Global Watermark



Global Watermark, including member information, enables you to add identifying patterns to all data-related pages and popup windows. This helps improve the security of the platform and reduce the risk of data leakage.

Application Scenario(s)

  • In the case of enterprise management, use Global Watermark to embed unique identifiers in your enterprise data, ensuring traceability and accountability.
  • In the case of data linkage, use the feature to trace back the leaker in time, thus minimizing potential damage.


For example, after you enable Global Watermark, the effect of the feature in Employee Information is as follows.

Plan Description

This is a paid feature. For details, contact our Sales Team.

Setting Procedure

Where to Set

1. Set Global Watermark.

To enable/disable Global Watermark, click your avatar, then and go to Management > Business Settings.

2. Set App Watermark.

To enable or disable App Watermark, go to App Management > App Settings .

Watermark Style

Click Settings, and then set Color or Density.

Here is the effect.


1. If you enable/disable/configure Global Watermark, any changes you make to the feature will be synchronized and applied to the app watermarks.

2. In the case of enabling App Watermark in one app, if you set styles for Global Watermark and then disable the feature, the settings will also take effect in the app watermark.

Element in Watermark

In Jodoo, the elements that make up a watermark are a member's name and the last four digits of his/her number.

For example, the member's name in Contacts is Jodoo Official, and the number is jxxxxqgbq. Then the watermark is Jodoo Officiqgbq.

Where to Display Watermark

1. Once enabled, Global Watermark will be displayed on all data-related pages and popup windows, such as Permission Set, Workflow Center, Manage Data, and so on.

2. In Workflow Center, if you have enabled Global Watermark, watermarks will be displayed.


1. If Global Watermark is not enabled yet, App Watermark can still be enabled.

2. If Global watermark is enabled, App Watermark will be automatically enabled and cannot be disabled.

3. If Global Watermark is enabled and then disabled, App Watermark that has been enabled before will remain enabled.

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