Delete Record

Delete Record


Feature Overview

When Automations Pro runs at a Delete Record node, it can delete records that meet certain conditions from the target form, or delete data retrieved at a preceding node.


Scenario Name

Problem Statement

Solution on Jodoo

Order Management

How to avoid inventory discrepancies and other issues caused by canceling a sales order?

Set an Automations Pro to be triggered by the deletion of sales orders. It will delete the corresponding delivery orders automatically.

Equipment Management

How to avoid redundant maintenance and scheduling confusion?

Set an Automations Pro to be triggered when information on completed maintenance is added to the records. It will automatically delete the corresponding maintenance plan from the to-do list.

Online Registration for an Event

How to avoid inaccurate records and potential registration errors after a submitted application is rejected?

Set an Automations Pro to be triggered when a registration application is not approved. It will automatically send an SMS notification to the applicant, and delete the corresponding application information.


In the order management scenario, when a sales order is canceled from the Sales Order form, the corresponding delivery order will automatically be deleted from the Delivery form.

How to Set an Automation

After creating an automation, you will be directed to the design page. Here, you should first configure the trigger node, and then continue the subsequent configuration.

Adding the Action Node

Add a Delete Record node under the existing node(s).

Setting What to Delete

At Delete Record, you can delete records in a form or at a node.

Under Delete, if you choose to

1. Delete Record in the form: Existing records in the target form that meet certain conditions will be deleted. You can select a form, from the current app or one of the others, as the target form.

2. Delete Record at the node: In the scenario here, certain records at the trigger node will be deleted. Additionally, you can select to delete data stored at a Query Record/Records node or an Add Record node that may exist above. Here are the details of each kind of Record at the node deletion:

  • Deleting from the trigger node: deleting the record(s) that triggers Automations Pro.
  • Deleting from Add record: deleting the added record(s), which is undoing the previous addition.
  • Deleting from Query record/Query records: deleting the record(s) queried, which is removing the specific records from the target form.


1. If the trigger node is Triggered by HTTP, there is no record can be deleted.

2. If a Delete Record node is on a Path, you cannot select nodes from other paths; if the node is not on any Path, you cannot select nodes from paths.

Adding Conditions

If you choose to delete Record in a form, add one or more conditions under Conditions. Automations Pro will delete records from the target form that meet the condition(s).

Click Add Condition, and here are the details of the settings:

  • Logic among conditions: When you set multiple conditions, decide whether to retrieve the data that meet all the conditions or those that satisfy any of them.
    • all of: the logic among multiple conditions is "and". The records that meet all the conditions get deleted.
    • any of: the logic among multiple conditions is "or". The records that meet any one specific condition get deleted.
  • Fields in the target form: Select fields in the target form, or system fields (Created User, Created Time, Updated Time, and Workflow Status).
  • The rule for filtering: Apply rules based on the types of fields in the target form, and the options are equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain, is empty, is not empty, etc.
  • The filter values: Select Field Value or Custom from the drop-down list. If you select Custom, enter the value manually.


1. The filtering logic and the filter value can vary based on the type of the selected target field. If you select a subfield from the target form for filtering, the suitable filtering logic can only be one of these four: equals any/does not equal any/contains/does not contain. For details, see Illustrations for Filter Value.

2. You can use field values from data stored at some nodes for filtering. These nodes are the trigger node, Query Record, Query records, Add record, Add formula, and Add Plugin. If the trigger of the automation is a Scheduled Trigger and the Trigger Time is customized, the data at the trigger node cannot be used as filter values.

3. You cannot set conditions for the following fields in the target form: Divider, Query Data, Select Data, Button, the current node, and the current approver.


1. Separately deleting subform data is currently not available. Even if you use a subfield in the filtering condition, the selected record will be the complete form record to which the subfield belongs.

2. Delete Record can delete a maximum of 200 records at one time. During the deletion, if the number of records that meet the filtering conditions or are retrieved at preceding nodes exceeds 200, Automations Pro will not perform the deletion and will instead report an error.

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