Trigger Validation


When the settings of "Automations Pro" do not meet preset requirements, related validations are triggered.

Loop Validation

Validation Logic: "Automations Pro" supports loop configurations (including self-loops and chain loops) but will not execute in a loop indefinitely. After one complete execution of "Automations Pro," it automatically stops and does not enter the next cycle, nor is it considered a failure notification event.


In the configuration of a single "Automations Pro," if the execution action includes the same action as the trigger action, a self-loop is formed.

1. Example Explanation:

In the "Automations Pro" configuration shown below, the trigger action is "Add data to Table A," and the execution action also includes "Add data to Table A," leading to a self-loop:

After adding data to Table A, "Automations Pro" is triggered;

The action to add data to Table A is executed, re-triggering "Automations Pro";

This leads to an infinite loop...

Expected Outcome: To prevent an infinite loop, once "Automations Pro" is triggered, it will automatically stop after one complete cycle (i.e., after performing the actions to query a single data entry and add data to Table A) and will not trigger again.

Chain Loop

In configurations involving multiple "Automations Pro," when the execution action of the preceding "Automations Pro" contains the same action as the trigger action of the subsequent "Automations Pro," a trigger chain is formed, allowing triggers to propagate through the chain.

Example Explanation: In the "Automations Pro" configuration below, a triggering chain "Pro1 Pro2 Pro3" is formed:

Automations Pro1: Triggered by "Adding data to Table A," includes "Add data to Table B" in its execution actions;

Automations Pro2: Triggered by "Adding data to Table B," includes "Add data to Table C" in its execution actions;

Automations Pro3: Triggered by "Adding data to Table C," includes "Add data to Table A" in its execution actions, leading to a chain loop:

Pro1 triggers Pro2, Pro2 triggers Pro3;

Pro3 triggers Pro1 again, and the cycle repeats indefinitely.

Expected Outcome: To avoid an infinite loop, once the first "Automations Pro" is triggered, it will automatically stop after one complete chain cycle (i.e., Pro1 triggers Pro2, Pro2 triggers Pro3) and will not trigger again.

Nested Level Validation

Validation Logic: "Automations Pro" does not restrict the nesting level during configuration but supports up to 10 execution levels. Execution will undergo level validation, and when it exceeds 10 levels, it will immediately stop.

Example Explanation: In the "Automations Pro" configuration below, a triggering chain "Pro1 Pro2 Pro3" is formed, where Pro1 triggers Pro2, and Pro2 triggers Pro3, creating 2 layers of nesting.

Expected Outcome: Similarly, in a triggering chain "Pro1 Pro2 Pro3 ... Pro12," forming 11 layers of nesting, execution will automatically stop and issue an error after triggering Pro11 (the 10th layer).

4. Important Notes

1) "Automations Pro" will not trigger standard "Automations" and vice versa. For example, if "Automations Pro" performs "Add data to Table A," it will not trigger another "Automations" set to trigger on "Add data to Table A," and the same applies in reverse.

2) For the trigger chain "Pro1 Pro2," consider the following special cases:

If Pro1's trigger action for Pro2 is to add data, adding one or multiple data entries can trigger Pro2.

If Pro1's trigger action for Pro2 is to modify data, only modifying one data entry will trigger Pro2; modifying multiple data entries will not trigger Pro2.

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