Adding Records from Subform to Form


Feature Overview

After adding or updating data in the subform fields of a form, you can use Automations Pro to add the data to other form fields. If you have to add or update multiple records in the subform, then these records will be added to another form.


Scenario Name

Problem Statement

Problem Solving

Car management

Difficult to synchronize car usage details in the Car Application Form to the other form Car Usage Records

After entering a record to the subform of Car Application Form, trigger Automation Pro and add the record to the main form of Car Usage Records

Task notification management

Difficult to synchronize notification details of the form Basic Data to the form Task Notification

After entering a record to the subform of Basic Data, trigger Automation Pro and add the record to the main form of Task Notification


After entering the information of a task in a Basic Info form, Automations Pro automatically adds the information to a Task Reminder form and starts a workflow.

How to Set

Building a Form

1. Create a Basic Info form. The field settings are as follows:

Field Name

Field Type

Field Setting

Member Name





Task Info


Task Name

Subfield - Single Line

Start Date

Subfield - Date&Time

End Date

Subfield - Date&Time


Subfield - Multi Line

2. Then create a workflow form Task Reminder, and add subfields from the Basic Info form to the Task Reminder form as fields. The settings are as follows:

Field Name

Field Type

Field Setting

Member Name





Task Name

Single Line

Start Date


End Date




Options: Not Started, In Progress, Completed

3. On the Workflow page, set the workflow for the workflow form. The settings include choosing approvers at each nodes and setting the field-viewing permission. For details, see Configuring a Workflow.

  • Set Field Permissions (including the permissions for viewing/editing certain fields) for the start node.
  • Tick all fields under View and Edit at the task node, and choose an approver at the node. Then the approver has permission to view and edit all fields in the form and can receive tasks.

Setting Automations Pro

Creating an Automation

To create an automation,

1. Go to Extension > Automations, and click New Automation.

2. Rename the automation.

3. Choose the trigger type Form Trigger, and choose Basic Info from the drop-down as the triggering form.

Setting the Trigger Node

Select the trigger node and choose Add record as the trigger event. When you add a new record to the Basic Info form, Automations Pro to be triggered to perform certain actions.

Adding an Action Node (Add record)

Add an Add Record node under the trigger node.

Setting the Action Node (Add record)

Set the Add Record node as follows:

  • Select a target form: choose Task Reminder as the target form. Then once Automations Pro is triggered, it will adding records to this form.
  • Set the field value:
    • Task Name equals Trigger Data--Task Info.Task Name
    • End Date equals Trigger Data--Task Info.End Date

Saving & Enabling

After completing all the settings, click Save & Enable to put the Automations Pro into actual use.


1. If you want to learn more about how to assign values using subform fields when choosing the trigger event Add record, refer to Subform Assignment Rules.

2. When you add records from the subform of a triggering form to a target form, the number of added records remian the same. If the subform is empty, then no record will be added.

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