This article gives a comprehensive introduction to Fields.
What is a Field?
Fields are essential for creating forms and are the core of data collection. Using various types of fields in a form can make the data collection effective.
How many Field Types Jodoo has?
There are currently 21 types of fields in Jodoo, divided into Basic Fields and Advanced Fields. It is important to choose proper fields, otherwise, you may not realize features like functions, linkage, and association, which affect form design, data collection, and data analysis.
What can I do when Configuring a Field?
1. Adding a Field
On the Design page, add fields by clicking or dragging them directly from the left panel.
2. Copying a Field
Select a field and click Copy on the right of the field. The field properties of the field will be copied when you copy the field.
3. Deleting a Field
1. Select a field, click on the right, and click Delete in the pop-up window.
2. When the field is referenced by the current/other forms through the following features, you can click View Details to view the specific reference to avoid the impact on other forms/fields.
- Option: Lookup
- Data Linkage: Condition and Linked Field
- Formula: Fields
- Query Data: Fields and Filters
- Select Data: Display Fields, Filters, and Data Filling
- Front-End Event: Trigger Field, Return Value - Fill Field, and Header/Body - Fill Field
- Workflow: Parent Subflow Assignment
- Permission set: Data Permission
- Data Factory: Selected Fields
- Automations Pro: the trigger node and action nodes
- Automations: Triggered Condition, Filter Condition, Updated Field
- Aggregate Table: Connected Field, Referenced Fields, and Filters
3. On the View Details page, you can view the specific reference situations of the field in the form and click Edit to directly go to the form editing page and change the reference settings of the field.
When a member clicks Edit to edit a form, the member's form editing permissions will be verified, and the editing and viewing operations will be performed according to the specific permissions.
4. Sorting a Field
On the Design page, drag and drop fields to sort them.
5. Editing Fields in Batches
Multiple form fields can be selected as follows:
- Press and hold CTRL or COMMAND on your keyboard and click a field to select multiple fields in turn.
- Press and hold SHIFT, and click the first and last fields.
For multiple selected fields, the following operations can be performed:
- Move to Label
You can only do so when enabling Multi-Tab Display
- Copy
- Delete
How many Fields can I Add to a Form?
A maximum of 500 fields, for Free and above plans, can be added to one single form. If a form created before has exceeded the maximum number of fields, it can still be used normally in the future.
The following two types of fields do not count toward the total number of fields in the form.
- Fields not in this form, such as Select Data and Query Data.
- Fields without specific values, such as Divider.
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