Importing Data

For a designed form, you can add or update data by importing Excel files.

Application Scenario(s)

This feature is used when you need to import or update data in batches. The following are the import modes available:

Who Imports

Where to Import

Import Mode


Manage Data


Permission sets


For example, you can select Add Data Only in Import Mode to import the prepared customer information as follows.


Setting Procedure

Where to Import

1. Import Excel files as an admin.

Select the form to be edited, and click Edit > Manage Data > Import.


2. Import Excel files as a member.

Access a form, switch to the permission set, in which you are granted the importing permission, and click Import.


Validating Data

1. Where to validate

a. For an admin, go to Manage Data > Import, and tick Trigger Validation upon Import. Then format and required field validations will be performed upon imported data.


b. For a member, click Import from the corresponding permission set, and Trigger Validation upon Import is ticked by default. In that case, format and required field validations will be performed upon imported data.


2. Validation rules

a. Untick Trigger Validation upon Import.

When importing data, if you do not tick Trigger Validation upon Import, only basic validation will be performed upon certain fields. Detailed validation rules are as follows:

Field Type

Validation Type

Validation Rules


Format Validation

The content can be converted to a valid number.


Format Validation

The content can be converted to a valid date.


Subform Data Validation

The validation is performed upon each sub-record.


Matching Validation

The content can be matched to a unique member.


Matching Validation

Each value in the array can be matched to a unique member.


Matching Validation

The content can be matched to a unique department.


Matching Validation

Each value in the array can be matched to a unique department.

b. Tick Trigger Validation upon Import.

When importing data, if you tick Trigger Validation upon Import, the validation will be performed upon certain fields. Detailed validation rules are as follows:

Field Type

Validation Type

Validation Rules

Single Line

Format Validation

After being converted to a string, the content is consistent with a phone number, a postal code, an ID card number, or an Email address.


Format Validation

The content can be converted to a valid number.

Value Range Validation

The converted value is within the value range.


Format Validation

The content can be converted to a valid date.


Option Validation

After being converted to a string, the content can be matched in the options.


Option Validation

After being converted to a string and separated by commas, the separated content can all be matched in the options.

Single Select

Option Validation

After being converted to a string, the content can be matched in the options.

Multi Select

Option Validation

After being converted to a string and separated by commas, the separated content can all be matched in the options.


Subform Data Validation

The validation is performed upon sub-record.


Matching Validation

The content can be matched to a unique member.


Matching Validation

Each value in the array can be matched to a unique member.


Matching Validation

The content can be matched to a unique department.


Matching Validation

Each value in the array can be matched to a unique department.

3. Validation upon duplicates

When you choose the modes (including Adding data only, Updating data only, and Updating and adding data) to import data, the system will validate duplicates for the fields for which you ticked No duplicates.

The system will validate:

  • For one field, whether the data to be imported are the same as the existing data in the form.
  • For one field, whether the data to be imported are the same as other to-be-imported.



Handling Data Importing Failure

1. Modify failed records.

If you fail to import some records because of failed validation, modify those failed records manually. Then you can re-import the modified records.



1. You can manually modify the failed records only when the number of failed records is less than 30.

2. In the case of importing data in the format of Number and Date&Time, if the format validation fails, the system will not prompt you to modify the failed data. However, in such cases, the fields that failed the validation will be left empty after the import process.

2. Download the error report.

You can also check the reason for importing failure by downloading the error report to modify the records accordingly.



If the number of failed records is greater than 30, you can only re-import the modified data after downloading the error report.

3. Handle the importing failure caused by duplicate member/department names.

You cannot import records that contain member/department fields with the same name. For solutions, see Solutions for Importing Same Named Members/Dept.


1. Records in the imported file cannot exceed 50,000 rows and 200 columns.

2. Suppose you tick No duplicates under Validation in a form. No matter whether you tick Trigger Validation upon Import when importing data under permission sets, the system will validate for duplicates. However, if you do not tick Trigger Validation upon Import when importing data on the Manage Data page, the system will not validate for duplicates, field formats, and so on.

3. In a workflow form, if the node after the start node of the workflow is a child workflow, and you enable Initiate Workflow upon Import when importing an Excel file, the child workflow will not be triggered after the data is imported, which means the data will stay at the start node.

4. Data of the following field types cannot be imported currently: Divider, Select Data, Query Data, and Signature.

5. For details about importing the data of special fields, see Importing the Data of Special Fields.

6. Here are the importing rules for the Serial No. field:

Import Mode

Import Rule

Cannot import the serial number existing in the imported Excel file. The value of the Serial No. field will be generated automatically based on the rules you set.

Allowed to import the serial number that existed in the imported Excel file.

Only allowed to import the serial number existed in the imported Excel file for the data to be updated. For the data to be created, you cannot do so.

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