Before programming, read Developer's Guide carefully.
What is the File API?
File Upload Credentials and URL Get API
Access file upload credentials and URL
Request Rate: 20 times per second
Request Method: POST
API Description:
For each request, you will obtain 100 file upload credentials and URLs. The uploaded files will be associated with the "transaction_id", and can only be used properly in the creation or modification requests with the same transaction_id.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
app_id | String | Yes | App ID |
entry_id | String | Yes | Form ID |
transaction_id | String | Yes | Transaction ID |
Sample Request:
{ "app_id": "59264073a2a60c0c08e20bfb", "entry_id": "59264073a2a60c0c08e20bfd", "transaction_id": "87cd7d71-c6df-4281-9927-469094395677" //Transaction ID }
Response Content:
Parameter | Type | Description |
token_and_url_list | JSON | File upload credentials and URL |
token_and_url_list[].url | String | File upload URL |
token_and_url_list[].token | String | File upload credentials |
Sample Response:
{ "token_and_url_list": [ { "url": "", "token": "bM7UwVPyBBdPaleBZt21SWKzMy2qPUpn-05jZlas:ELIqACNut-t52UMPD-DZNrX8hTU=: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" }, { "url": "", "token": "bM7UwVPyBBdPaleBZt21SWKzMylqPUpn-05jZlas:inKpUPPCKIWJ6CnZzHrRPnjXwio=: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" }, …… ] }
File Upload API
It is an API used to upload files. The API request frequency is 20 times per second.
Request URL: {url}
Request Rate: 20 times per second
Request Method: POST
API Description:
The "url" refers to the upload address obtained from the API for accessing file upload credentials and URLs
This API allows uploading only one file per token and does not allow overwriting. The returned key should be used to fill in the attachment or image control value when you create or update APIs.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
token | Yes | String | File upload credentials |
file | Yes | File | The files to be uploaded |
1. Due to the need to upload files in the request, the parameters are in the "form–data" format.
2. The "file" parameter needs to be the last one in the request.
Response Content:
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | String | File key |
{ "key": "6b559cf1-b16c-43bd-a211-8fa8fdeae2ef" }
1. The token is valid for one hour.
2. The "transaction_id" and "key" are used in conjunction with each other. The "transaction_id" is also valid for one hour. After it expires, the "key" will also become invalid.
I have finished reading. 🏆
👉I can't wait to FILE API.
👉I need more HELP in Discord Forum.