2.6 Case Studies of Python API Calling

Key Points

  • Introduction to POSTMAN CODE
  • Demo of Python API calling

Preparation Before Class


Course Content


(Demo - Use POSTMAN to quickly generate code for API calling)

Demo of Jodoo

(Demo - Use the Requests and import json to define functions for calling Jodoo APIs)

  • Copy POSTMAN's CODE to Python, and be careful that the Body should be replaced with the content of the POSTMAN Body (it's better to use the original JSON).

import requests

url = "https://api.jodoo.com/api/v1/app/637c4093feed76000732fa2b/entry/63aaac0462223e000761aeb6/data_retrieve"

#Before replacing the Body
payload = "{\r\n    \"data_id\": \"64631f6c5406fe0007f66c45\"\r\n}"
#After replacing the Body
payload = {
          "data_id": "64631f6c5406fe0007f66c45"

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxxxxx',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Cookie': 'JODOO_SID=s%3AkkffLPwwM05AA85K8IdYsXPF0zB-I0fi.GLHEBt5s61l9x0S7idpqYTFPIoUccDRv4IdXRYertCU; DEV_SID=s%3AdpxME_zPEoygRg8TxawKi6TQsalZ8p-V.mYUJRUHwMd95JFvz1tg2Zssl%2B4a%2BQRVq%2FGSckENfixY'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload)

  • Define a function, replace the payload parameter with the function's variable, and be careful to convert payload to JSON.

import requests
import json

def jodoo(dataid):
    url = "https://api.jodoo.com/api/v1/app/637c4093feed76000732fa2b/entry/63aaac0462223e000761aeb6/data_retrieve"

    payload = {
        "data_id": dataid
    headers = {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxxxxxxx',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Cookie': 'JODOO_SID=s%3AkkffLPwwM05AA85K8IdYsXPF0zB-I0fi.GLHEBt5s61l9x0S7idpqYTFPIoUccDRv4IdXRYertCU; DEV_SID=s%3AdpxME_zPEoygRg8TxawKi6TQsalZ8p-V.mYUJRUHwMd95JFvz1tg2Zssl%2B4a%2BQRVq%2FGSckENfixY'

#Replace payload with Json
    response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = json.dumps(payload))

#Just print response.text,requests will automatically encode bytes into strings.
  • Now it's time to call the function!

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