Subform Array Processing

For sub-form fields, there are two scenarios in terms of Front-End Event:

1. Triggering fields are form fields and returned fields are sub-fields.

2. Both triggering fields and returned fields are sub-fields.

When Triggering Fields are Form Fields

When triggering fields are form fields and returned fields sub-fields, the system can receive array data and automatically create a sub-form with the same number of rows as the array. For example, the time and status (in an array) of the delivery can be automatically entered into the sub-form, and the rows in the sub-form can be automatically created according to the number of rows in the array.

When configuring through JSONPath, you can use [*] to select arrays of any length. For each row in the array, a new row will be automatically created in the sub-form.

The following is the response:

1 {

2 "showapi_res_body": {

3 "data": [

4 {

5 "context": "【America】 has received the package",

6 "time": "2020-08-19 07:52:41"

7 },

8 {

9 "context": "【Britain】 has sent the package, and next stop is 【France】",

10 "time": "2020-08-19 06:40:22"

11. },

12 {

13 "context": "【Portugal】 has received the package",

14 "time": "2020-08-19 06:20:16"

15 },

16 {

17 "context": "【Spain】 has sent the package, and next stop is 【Thailand】",

18 "time": "2020-08-19 04:16:37"

19 }

20 ]

21 }

22 }


If you wish to retrieve a row of the 'time' values from an array, you need to use the following data:

1 $['showapi_res_body']['data'][0]['time']


[0] represents the data of the first row in the indexed array. If you wish to retrieve all the 'time' values from an array and automatically create rows in a sub-form based on the number of rows in the array, you can use the following data:

1 $['showapi_res_body']['data'][*]['time']


When Triggering Fields are Subform Fields

When both triggering fields and returned fields are sub-fields, the situation is similar to when they are both main form fields. The triggering fields and the returned fields within the same row in the sub-form correspond to each other.

Taking Weather Forecast in the figure as an example, the city field is the triggering field. When the province and city are entered, a front-end event will be automatically triggered to query the weather and return the weather value, which will be entered into the weather field in the same row of the sub-form.

The following is the response:

1 {

2 "ret": 200,

3 “data”: {

4 "cityinfo": {

5 "provinces": "California",

6 "city": "Los Angeles",

7 "area": ""Los Angeles",

8 "id": "101190201",

9 "prov_py": "California",

10 "city_py": "Los Angeles",

11 "qh": "0510",

12 "jb": "2",

13 "yb": "214000",

14 "area_py": "Los Angeles",

15 "area_short_code": "LA",

16 "lng": "120.301663",

17 "lat": "31.574729"

18 },

19 "now": {

20 "id": "101190201",

21 "area_name": "Los Angeles",

22 "city": {

23 "night_air_temperature": "7",

24 "day_air_temperature": "13",

25 "wind_direction": "Winds shifts from northeast to north",

26 "wind_power": "less than level 3",

27 "weather": "Cloudy",

28 "weather_code": "01"

29 },

30 "detail": {

31 "time": "15:30",

32 "date": "December 1st",

33 "week": "Tuesday",

34 "temperature": "12",

35 "wind_direction": "Northeast",

36 "wind_direction_str": "NE",

37 "wind_power": "Level 2"

38 "wind_speed": "Less than 12 mph",

39 "humidity": "58%",

40 "weather": "Cloudy",

41 "weather_code": "01",

42 "weather_english": "Cloudy",

43 "qy": "1027",

44 "njd": "14.6 miles",

45 "rain": "0",

46 "aqi": "39",

47 "quality": "Good",

48 "aqi_pm25": "57",

49 "nongli": "October 17th",

50 "sun_begin": "06:40",

51 "sun_end": "16:55",

52 "so2": "68",

53 "o3": "34",

54 "co": "26",

55 "no2": "9",

56 "pm10": "1",

57 "kinect": "11",

58 "shadow_kinect": "10.0",

59 "ultraviolet_rays": "Level 2",

60 "ultraviolet_rays_status": "Low",

61 "pressure_change": "Stable",

62 "cloud_amount": "91%"

63 },

64 "update_time": 1606809680,

65 "alarm_list": []

66 }

67 },

68 "qt": 0.009

69 }


Then you can set the response for the Weather field as the followings:

1 $['data']['now']['detail']['weather']


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