


In Plugin, you can manage installed plugins and set custom plugins.

For both types of plugins, you can enable, disable, configure, delete, or sort them.

Plan Description

This is an advanced feature that requires the Standard or above plans. For details, contact our Sales Team.

Where to Use

Log in to Jodoo, switch to Open Platform, and then manage plugins.

Managing Plugin(s)

In Plugin, you can view the installed plugins and perform the following operations.





Enable or disable a plugin

Only when the plugin is enabled can it perform the corresponding operations.

Update Plugin Configurations

Set related parameters for a plugin

For some plugins, parameters like secret keys are required. Therefore, to enable the plugins, you need to configure related parameters.


Delete a plugin

After a plugin is deleted, all the related configurations will be cleared. If you want to use the plugin again, you need to reinstall and reconfigure the plugin.


Check and copy the plugin IP

You can check and copy the IP of the installed plugins.

Enabling/Disabling Plugin(s)

Select the plugin, and click the switch under Status to enable or disable it.


If the plugin requires configuration, it must be configured before it is enabled.

Configuring Plugin(s)

If the plugin requires configuration, you can click Update Plugin Configurations under Action. After filling in the configuration items, click OK.

Deleting Plugin(s)

If you no longer need the plugin, click  under Action to remove it. You can reinstall the plugin from the market if you need to use it again.

Sorting Plugin(s)

In Plugin, when you have installed multiple plugins, you can sort them by dragging them.

Checking Plugin IP

In Plugin > Installed Plugins, you can check and copy the fixed plugin IP. In Jodoo, the IP for the installed plugins is


The plugin IP will not be displayed in Market and Custom Plugins.

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