
This passage will tell you how to install and configure the Zoom plugin in Jodoo.

What is Zoom Plugin?

Zoom is a video-conferencing application. Members can initiate a meeting and modify meeting information through the Zoom plugin in Jodoo.


By entering meeting information in forms in Jodoo, you can create meetings in Zoom.


To apply the Zoom plugin in Jodoo, you must first create a Zoom account. If you do not have one, you can sign up for Zoom or follow the steps below to create an account. The free version of Zoom is adequate.

How to Apply Zoom Plugin in Jodoo?

Step 1 Creating an App in Zoom

Go to the App Marketplace of Zoom, click Develop on the upper right of the page, and click Build App. Tick Server to Server OAuth App and rename it. An app in Zoom has been created.

Step 2 Configuring the App in Zoom

After creating the app, you must fill in some information and configure the following settings.

1. Fill in Basic Information

Name your app in Zoom and fill in your information to continue.

2. Feature

There is no need to add any feature and the token does not need configuration either.

3. Add Scopes

Scope lists in detail what the Zoom plugin can do. By adding the Scope, you can realize the corresponding features in Jodoo.

Find and select the following scopes to achieve the corresponding features of the Zoom plugin in Jodoo.





View and manage all user meetings

Update a meeting

Create a meeting for a user


View all user information

View a user

4. Activate Your App

Click Activate your app.

Step 3 Copying App Credentials

1. After creating the app, here are the Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret in App Credentials.

Copy the information and save it. It will be needed when you enable the Zoom plugin.

Step 4 Install and enable Zoom plugin

1. Log in to your Jodoo account and switch your team to Open Platform.

2. Go to Market and install the Zoom plugin.

3. Go to Plugin and configure the setting.

Copy and fill in Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret in Jodoo. Remember to tick to Enable the plugin.

What can You Do with the Zoom Plugin?

Here are the available options:

Initiate a meeting: Initiate a meeting in Zoom based on the meeting information entered by the user in the Jodoo form.

Request Parameters






Headline of the new meeting.



The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.



Start time of the new meeting.



Password for the new meeting. Zoom will generate a password automatically when you do not submit a password.

Maximum of 10 characters that may only contain[a-z A-Z 0-9 @-_*].



Duration of the new meeting. Count in minutes. No time limit.

Auto Recording


Whether to turn on recording and the type of recording to turn on:

  • Local
  • Cloud
  • None

Cloud recording requires an account with corresponding cloud recording permissions.



Ways for meeting participants to connect to the audio:

  • Both-telephony and VoIP
  • Telephony
  • VoIP
  • Third-Party

The default is both telephony and VoIP.

Registration Approval


Enable registration and set approval for the registration. Note that this feature requires the host to be of Licensed user type. Registration cannot be enabled for a basic user. Default to No registration required.

Whether registration is approved, and how registration is approved after permission is granted:

  • Automatically Approve
  • Manually Approve
  • No Registration Required

Meeting's invitiees' Approval


The email addresses of the invitees to the meeting, using ',' to separate the different email addresses. For example, Roxanne@fanruan.com, Estella@fanruan.com

Start with Participant video on


Whether or not to turn on the participant's video at the beginning of the new meeting:

  • True- turn on the video automatically
  • False- do not turn on the video automatically

The default value is False.

Mute Participants Upon Entry


Whether the participant's device is automatically muted when the participant enters the meeting:

  • True- mute automatically
  • False- do not mute automatically

This value defaults to False.

Join Before Host


Whether participants can join the meeting before its host. This field is only used for scheduled meetings or recurring meetings:

  • True- allow
  • False- do not allow

This value defaults to False.

Waiting Room


Whether to turn on the meeting room (when turned on, the Join Before Host parameter is disabled):

  • True- allow
  • False- do not allow

Response Parameters



Meeting Uuid

Meeting Uuid of the meeting.

Meeting ID

Identification of the meeting.

Host Email

Email of the host of the meeting.


Topic of the meeting.

Meeting Type

Type of the meeting.


Status of the meeting.

Start Time

Start time of the meeting.


Duration of the meeting.

Join URL

Join the URL of the meeting.


Password of the meeting.

Modify meeting information: Identify the meeting, for which information is to be modified, by the meeting ID, and modify the meeting information based on the information submitted by the user.

Request Parameters




Meeting ID


ID of the meeting to be modified.



Modified description of a meeting.

Alternative Hosts


The mailboxes of the alternative candidate hosts, with ' ; ' separating the different mailboxes, for example: abc@test.com; def@test.com

Note: This parameter requires a company Jodoo account.

Response Parameter



Modified Information

The result of a call to the updated meeting API, which returns res= 1 on success.

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