Guide to Use Order and Inventory Management

App Overview

Imagine a small trading company is looking for a great system. It will handle sales, purchasing, and inventory to boost efficiency. Upon integrating our system, you can achieve the following scenarios:

  • Customer Management and Sales Orders. The sales team uses the system's customer management module well. They use it to record customer information and interactions. They can generate sales orders as well. The system provides real-time access to a customer's order history and buying habits. This enables personalized service.
  • Supplier Management and Purchase Orders. The procurement team manages supplier information. This includes contact details and product catalogues. Teams can make purchasing orders based on the inventory levels and sales trends. This ensures your products' safety.
  • Sales Shipment and Receipt of Payments. The sales team initiates sales shipment orders in the system, while the finance team records customer payments. The system updates order statuses dynamically, offering a transparent view of order progress.
  • Sales Returns and Purchase Returns. In cases of customer-initiated return requests or quality issues with purchased goods, the sales and procurement teams can manage the return process in the system.
  • Inventory Allocation. When there is a surplus or shortage in a warehouse, warehouse managers can allocate inventory to ensure balance.
  • Stocktaking. The system supports barcode scanning or manual input of stock quantities. This ensures that system data matches stock. It reduces the risk of errors.
  • Data Analysis Dashboard. Managers get deep insights into sales trends, inventory, and supply chain performance. They get them through the system's data dashboard. This can help make smart strategy decisions. It can optimize product mix and boost supply chain efficiency as well.

This is how Order & Inventory Management works:

Using the App

Basic Data

Add new warehouses

In Jodoo Order & Inventory, you can add multiple warehouses which represents the physical storage buildings where you keep stock.

  • Go to Basic Data> Warehouse
  • Enter the details of the warehouse and click Submit.

Add new products

Products are either goods that you purchase from your suppliers and sell to your customers, or, services that you provide for which you get paid. You can add these products with ease and manage their inventory.

Before adding products, you need to set up product categories.

To add a new product category:

  • Go to Basic Data> Product Management> Product Category
  • Enter the name of product categories and click Submit.

Then we can add a new product:

  • Go to Basic Data> Product Management> Product
  • Enter the details of product and click Submit.

View product list


Create new customers

As customers are important to any business, it is essential to save their contact information to create transactions quickly and do business efficiently in the long term. The Customer module in Jodoo Order & Inventory is where you save the details of your customers. You can save the details of your customers such as name, email address, phone numbers, billing and shipping addresses and other details in this module.

To add a new customer:

  • Go to Sales Management> Customer
  • Enter the details of customer and click Submit.

Add customer tracking records

This section allows you and the users of your organization to add internal comments or event details about a customer.

To add a new customer tracking record:

  • Go to Sales Management> Customer Tracking
  • Enter the details of activity and choose the customer and click Submit.

View customer dashboard

The dashboard shows customer data. It includes the RFM model, customer count, distribution, and recent sales follow-up activities, and other metrics.

Sales Orders

Create new sales orders

A sales order details the exact quantity, price and delivery details of the products or services being sold.

To create a sales order:

  • Go to Sales Management> Sales Order (Print)
  • Enter the details for the customer related fields.
  • Enter the product details for the sales order. Enter the warehouse. Click the button named Select Products to add one or more products or services from your inventory. Enter the Qty and remarks.
  • In the Order Details tab Delivery Plan and Payment Plan modules should also be filled out.
  • Click Submit.

Review sales orders

Upon submission of a sales order, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval. Upon completion of the review, the initiator will be notified accordingly.

To review a sales order:

  • Go to My Tasks> Sales Order (Print)
  • Enter the approval comment and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Print sales orders

You can print or download the sales order as a pdf document.

To print a sales order:

  • Click a sales order and click the Print icon.
  • Click the download or print icon in the popup document page.

For a detailed explanation on print templates, refer to this help document.

Sales Shipments

Create new shipments

Shipments refer to the process of fulfilling and dispatching orders after they have been placed in the sales order system. It involves packaging, labeling, and sending the ordered items to customers.

To create a new shipment order on PC:

  • Go to Sales Management> Sales Shipment (Print)
  • Enter the details for the Sales Order related fields.
  • Enter the Qty of the product details and click Submit.

To create a new shipment order on mobile phone:

Warehouse Confirm

Upon submission of a shipment order, the warehouse manager will receive a notification and confirm the shipment time and take photos.

To confirm a shipment order for warehouse managers:

  • Go to My Tasks> Sales Shipment (Print)
  • Enter the details of Shipment Confirmation and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Receiving Confirm

After the customer confirms receipt, you can update the status of the shipment order.

To confirm receipt of a shipment order:

  • Go to My Tasks> Sales Shipment (Print)
  • Enter the details of Receiving Confirmation and click Submit.

Print sales shipments

You can print or download the shipment order as a pdf document.

To print a shipment order:

  • Click a shipment order and click the Print icon.
  • Click the download or print icon in the popup document page.

For a detailed explanation on print templates, refer to this help document.

Sales Product Return

Create product return requests

The sales return process manages customer requests to return purchased items, including verification, inspection, and initiating refunds or exchanges as needed.

To create a new product return request:

  • Go to Sales Management> Product Return
  • Enter the details for the Sales Order related fields.
  • Enter the warehouse and the Quantity of Returned Products and click Submit.

Review product return requests

Upon submission of a product return request, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval.

To review a product return request:

  • Go to My Tasks> Product Return
  • Enter the details of approval and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Receiving Confirm

After we confirms receipt, you can update the status of the product return request.

To confirm receipt of a product return request:

  • Go to My Tasks> Product Return
  • Enter the details of Receiving Confirmation and click Submit.

Sales Product Exchange

Create product exchange requests

The exchange process allows customers to exchange defective items for new ones. It includes validating requests, inspecting returned goods, and issuing new items.

To create an exchange request:

  • Go to Sales Management> Product Exchange
  • Enter the details for the Sales Order related fields.
  • Enter the warehouse and the Exchange Num and click Submit.

Review product exchange requests

Upon submission of a product exchange request, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval.

To review a product exchange request:

  • Go to My Tasks> Product Exchange
  • Enter the details of approval and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Receiving Confirm

After receiving the defective items, you can update the status of the product exchange request.

To confirm receipt of a product exchange request:

  • Go to My Tasks> Product Exchange
  • Enter the details of Receiving Confirmation and click Submit.

Outbound Confirm

To confirm outbound of a product exchange request:

  • Go to My Tasks> Product Exchange
  • Enter the details of Outbound Information and click Submit.


Create new suppliers

The supplier module in Jodoo Order & Inventory is where you save the details of your suppliers. You can save the details of your suppliers such as name, address, phone numbers, term of partnership and certifications in this module.

To add a new supplier:

  • Go to Purchase Management> Supplier
  • Enter the details of supplier and click Submit.

Add product prices

A price list is a document detailing the prices of goods or services provided by the supplier. It typically includes information such as product names, unit prices, and discounts.

To add a new price for the product provided by the supplier:

  • Go to Purchase Management> Price List
  • Select the supplier and the product, then enter the price and discount and click Submit.

View supplier dashboard

The dashboard shows supplier information. It includes the price list, purchase cost and supplier list.

Purchase Orders

Create new purchases orders

A purchase order is an official document that you issue to your suppliers, indicating relevant information about what you want to buy, the quantity, the price agreed for that particular product or service.

To create a purchase order:

  • Go to Purchase Management> Purchase Order (Print)
  • Enter the details for the supplier related fields.
  • Enter the product details for the purchase order. Enter the warehouse. Click the button named Select Products to add one or more products or services. Enter the Quantity.
  • In the Order Details tab Delivery Plan and Payment Plan modules should also be filled out.
  • Click Submit.

Review purchase orders

Upon submission of a purchase order, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval. Upon completion of the review, the initiator will be notified accordingly.

To review a purchase order:

  • Go to My Tasks> Purchase Order (Print)
  • Enter the approval information and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Print purchase orders

You can print or download the purchase order as a pdf document.

To print a purchase order:

  • Click a purchase order and click the Print icon.
  • Click the download or print icon in the popup document page.

For a detailed explanation on print templates, refer to this help document.

Purchase Receipt

Create purchase receipts

A Purchase Receipt is a document confirming the arrival of purchased goods or services. It involves verifying the received items against the purchase order, documenting essential details, updating the system for accurate record-keeping.

To add a purchase receipt:

  • Go to Purchase Management> Purchase Receipt
  • Select the purchase order and enter the Qty Arrived and the Qty Unqualified.
  • Enter the details of inspection and receipt ****and click Submit.

Purchased Product Return

Create product return requests

When the received goods are defective and need to be returned, you can operate in this module.

To add a product return request**:**

  • Go to Purchase Management> Product Return
  • Select the associated purchase order and enter the warehouse.
  • Enter the Quantity of Returned Products ****and click Submit.

Other Receiving

Create other receiving forms

Besides purchase receiving, all the receiving processes need to be recorded in this module.

To add a receiving form:

  • Go to Inventory Management> Other Receiving
  • Select the receiving type and enter the warehouse.
  • Select the products and enter the quantity.
  • Enter the details of Receiving Information and click Submit.

Other Outbound Delivery

Create other outbound delivery forms

Besides sales outbound delivery, all the outbound processes need to be recorded in this module.

To add a outbound delivery form:

  • Go to Inventory Management> Other Outbound Delivery
  • Select the shipment type and enter the warehouse and the address.
  • Select the products and enter the quantity.
  • Enter the details of Shipment Information and click Submit.

Inventory Transfer Orders

Create new transfer orders

A transfer order is the process of moving inventory from one place to another in a business. It involves the smooth movement of goods between warehouses or departments. This optimizes stock levels and boosts operational efficiency.

To create a new transfer order:

  • Go to Inventory Management> Transfer Order
  • Enter the transfer type and the expected completion date.
  • Select the source warehouse and the destination warehouse.
  • Select the products and enter the transfer quantity and click Submit.

Shipping Confirmation

Upon submission of a transfer order, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval.

To confirm the shipment of a transfer order:

  • Go to My Tasks> Transfer Order
  • Enter the shipment information ****and click Submit.

For a detailed explanation on workflow, refer to this help document.

Receiving Confirmation

Upon submission of a transfer order, the department supervisor will receive a notification for approval.

To confirm the receipt of a transfer order:

  • Go to My Tasks> Transfer Order
  • Enter the receipt information ****and click Submit.

Inventory Stocktaking

Create stocktaking forms

Stocktaking is the systematic process of physically verifying items. It is also about recording their quantity in a company's inventory. It ensures accuracy in stock levels and identifies discrepancies. This provides a reliable basis for effective inventory management.

To add a stocktaking form:

  • Go to Inventory Management> Stocktaking
  • Select the type and start and end date.
  • Select the warehouse and the products.
  • Enter the actual quantity and click Submit.

Financial Receipts

Create financial receipts

A financial receipt is a document confirming that a customer has made a payment. It include s the payment date, amount, and the items or services covered by the payment. It serves as a record for both the business and the customer.

You can record each payment made by the customer for sales orders here.

To add a financial receipt:

  • Go to Financial Management> Receipts
  • Enter the details for the sales order related fields.
  • Enter the details of payment and click Submit.

Financial Payments

Create financial payments

A financial payment is a record detailing a financial transaction, including the payment date, amount, and purpose. It is essential for accurate financial documentation.

You can record each payment made to suppliers for purchase orders here.

To add a financial payment:

  • Go to Financial Management> Payments
  • Enter the details for the purchase order related fields.
  • Enter the details of payment and click Submit.

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