Jodoo 包含以下 API:
- API 的統一造訪地址為:https://api.jodoo.com/api(非直接造訪 URL,結合後文 appid 等一起造訪)
- 所有 API 請求都必須透過 HTTPS 進行身份驗證和發起
- 統一採用 POST 請求的形式
- 資料傳輸編碼為 UTF-8
- 文件上傳API為 form_data 格式,其他均為 JSON 格式
全局最多接受請求:50 次/秒
各個 API 的請求頻率限制參見各個 API 的 API 文件:
Jodoo 使用基於簡單令牌的身份驗證,API Key 預設未生成,需要點擊建立 API KEY 去生成。
生成方式:「開放平台 > 密鑰管理 > 建立 API Key」;一個企業最多生成 500 對 API Key。
對於已建立的 API Key 還可以進行啟用、停用和刪除。
開發文件中的「API 文件」是專門根據當前表單的配置生成的,可以點開查看詳細的說明。
透過 HTTP Headers 設定 Authorization 的值為"Bearer YOUR_APIKEY"來進行安全性驗證,
$ curl -i https://app.jodoo.com/api/v5/callback \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_APIKEY"
所有 API 使用狀態碼+錯誤碼的回應方式來表示錯誤原因。API 正確統一返回 HTTP 狀態碼為 2xx 的正確回應。API錯誤則統一返回 HTTP 狀態碼為 400 的錯誤回應,同時回應內容會返回錯誤碼(code)和錯誤資訊(msg)
HTTP/1.1 400
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 8303,
"msg": "超出請求頻率限制",
狀態返回碼 | 說明 |
2xx | 回應成功 |
400 | API 錯誤統一返回 |
502 | 網關異常 |
579 | 文件上傳失敗 |
當狀態返回碼為 400 時,伺服器會返回具體的錯誤碼(code)和錯誤資訊(msg),對照表如下:
錯誤碼 | 說明 | 排查建議 |
1 | The request is invalid. | 錯誤的請求,檢查參數是否缺失。 |
1005 | The email already exists. | 信箱已存在,可嘗試信箱驗證碼登入確認是否已註冊。 |
1010 | The member doesn't exist. | 使用者不存在,檢查成員參數是否正確傳入。 |
1017 | The member's name is in an invalid format. | 使用者名不符合格式要求,常規格式為字母數字下劃線任意組合,長度 50 個字符以內。 |
1018 | The email is in an invalid format. | 使用者信箱不符合格式要求,檢查郵件地址。 |
1019 | The member's nickname is in an invalid format. | 使用者暱稱不符合格式要求,檢查是否長度在 80 個字符以下且無特殊字符。 |
1022 | The member's current company/team doesn't exist. | 使用者團隊不存在,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢 技術支援。 |
1024 | The mobile number is invalid. Enter a new number and try again. | 手機號碼不正確,請重新輸入手機號。 |
1027 | The phone number already exists. | 手機號碼已存在,使用手機號驗證碼登入確認是否已註冊。 |
1058 | Do not have permission to call the task list. | 使用者操作權限不足。 |
1065 | The member has already been added to the team. | 當前使用者已加入團隊,檢查當前團隊內是否已經有當前使用者。 |
1082 | The phone number/email is required. | 手機號和信箱不能同時為空。 |
1085 | The member's nickname is required. | 暱稱不能為空。 |
1087 | Duplicate unique fields. | 唯一性欄位重複,檢查成員 ID 的重複情況。 |
1092 | The length of the username has exceeded the limit. | 工號長度超出限制,確認工號長度在 50 個字符以內。 |
1096 | The request contains invalid member parameter(s). | 使用者參數不合法,請檢查後重試。 |
1201 | The role doesn't exist. | 企業角色資訊不存在,檢查參數後重試。 |
1202 | Unable to operate synchronized role or role groups | 無法操作同步的角色/角色組,確認當前角色/角色組非其他平台同步而來。 |
1203 | The role group/role information is invalid. | 角色/角色組資訊不合法,檢查參數後重試。 |
1205 | The role group is required. | 必須指定角色組,檢查參數後重試。 |
1206 | The role group doesn't exist. | 指定的角色組不存在,檢查參數後重試。 |
1207 | The length of the role group name has exceeded the limit. | 角色/角色組名稱長度超限,確保長度在 24 個字符以內。 |
1208 | Can't delete a role group with member(s). | 非空角色組不能刪除,確保刪除角色組下角色後重試。 |
2004 | The app doesn't exist. | 應用不存在,檢查參數後重試。 |
3000 | The form doesn't exist. | 表單不存在,檢查參數後重試。 |
3001 | The member or department name is required. | 名稱不能為空。 |
3005 | The request contains invalid parameter(s). | 參數不正確。 |
3041 | The number of Serial No. fields has exceeded the limit in the form. | 單個表單流水號控件數量超出上限,有且只能有一個。 |
3042 | Failed to verify the field alias. | 欄位別名校驗失敗,檢查別名是否含有特殊字符,常規格式為字母數字下劃線任意組合。 |
3083 | The number of widgets has exceeded the limit in the form. | 控件數量超過上限,一般情況下這個值為 500。 |
3091 | The number of characters in the form name exceeds 100. | 表單名稱不能超過 100 個字符。 |
3092 | The number of characters in the title exceeds 100. | 標題不能超過 100 個字符。 |
4000 | Failed to submit data. | 資料送出失敗。 |
4001 | Data doesn‘t exist. | 資料不存在。 |
4007 | No approver for the workflow. | 操作失敗,沒有流程處理人。 |
4008 | The workflow was closed. | 操作失敗,流程已經關閉。 |
4009 | Do not have permission to approve. | 操作失敗,無權限。 |
4015 | The approver of the transferred node is invalid. | 操作失敗,當前節點不存在該候選人。 |
4016 | The workflow can't be transferred to oneself. | 操作失敗,流程不能轉交給自己。 |
4025 | Do not have permission for the workflow. | 您沒有資料流程權限。 |
4042 | Failed to delete the data. | 資料刪除失敗,檢查參數後重試。 |
4402 | Failed to validate the aggregation calculation. | 聚合計算校驗失敗,檢查參數後重試。 |
4815 | The filter condition is invalid. | 過濾條件設定有誤,可能是過濾條件過於冗長導致,可諮詢技術支援。 |
5003 | The workflow node doesn't exist. | 流程節點不存在。 |
5004 | No comment for approval. | 未送出流程簽核意見。 |
5009 | The approver of the returned node is invalid. | 找不到退回後的負責人。 |
5011 | The target node is invalid. | 找不到流轉節點。 |
5012 | No signature for approval. | 未送出流程手寫簽名。 |
5034 | This node has child workflow(s)/plugin node(s). | 目標節點包含子流程/外掛節點。 |
5044 | The child workflow is wrongly configured. For example, no initiator for the child workflow. | 子流程配置錯誤或找不到發起人。 |
5045 | The number of child workflow exceeds 200. | 發起子流程資料超過上限 200。 |
5049 | The Transfer feature hasn't been enabled at this node. | 當前流程節點未開啟轉交。 |
5053 | The initial department is invalid. Can't flow to the node with multi-level approval. | 流入多級主管簽核節點失敗,未指定發起部門。 |
6000 | There is a sub-department with the same name within the same-level department. | 已存在同名部門,檢查同級的父部門下所有子部門,排查同名情況。 |
6001 | The parent department doesn't exist. | 父部門不存在。 |
6002 | The department doesn't exist. | 部門不存在,檢查參數後重試。 |
6003 | Can't delete a department with sub-department(s). | 存在子部門,不能刪除。 |
6004 | Failed to update the department. | 部門修改失敗。 |
6005 | Failed to create the department. | 部門建立失敗,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢技術支援。 |
6006 | Can't delete a department with member(s). | 部門內存在成員,不能刪除。 |
6010 | The department ID is in an invalid format. | 部門編號不在合法範圍內,結合自身部門路徑以及父部門,檢查參數後重試。 |
6011 | There is a circular relationship among departments. | 部門關係存在循環,不允許的部門樹關係,檢查參數後重試。 |
6012 | The department name is invalid. | 部門名稱不合法,檢查參數後重試。 |
6013 | The department ID already exists. | 部門編號重複,檢查同級的父部門下所有子部門,排查編號重複情況。 |
6014 | There must be at least one sub-department belonging to the root department. | 至少需要一個子部門屬於根部門。 |
6015 | Can't delete a root department. | 根部門不能被刪除。 |
6017 | The number of cascade levels in the department exceeds the limit. | 部門級聯層數超出限制,部門樹深度限制為 16。 |
6019 | The member list is required. | 成員列表不能為空,檢查參數後重試。 |
6020 | The number of departments in a single import exceeds the limit. | 單次匯入部門數量超出限制,上限為 10w。 |
6021 | The number of members in a single import exceeds the limit. | 單次匯入成員數量超出限制,上限為 2w。 |
6064 | The parent department already exists. | 已是目標部門的子部門。 |
7103 | System usage exceeds the limit. The system has been suspended. Go to Management > Plan Details to view the usage details and upgrade plan to restore the system. | 系統用量超出限制,系統已暫停使用。您可以至「企業管理-版本資訊」查看版本使用詳情和升級版本以恢復系統。 |
7212 | Monthly data exceeds the limit. Can't submit new data. Contact the business owner to upgrade the plan. | 該帳號的本月資料流量已用完,無法送出新資料,請聯繫帳號建立者升級版本。 |
7216 | Attachment upload limit exceeded. Contact the link creator to enable cloud coin payment | 附件上傳量超過當前版本限制,請聯繫連結發佈者開啟雲幣支付。 |
7217 | Attachment upload limit exceeded. Contact the business owner to enable cloud coin payment. | 附件上傳量超過當前版本限制,請聯繫企業建立者開啟雲幣支付。 |
7218 | Attachment upload limit exceeded. Contact the link creator to purchase more cloud coins. | 附件上傳量超過當前版本限制,請聯繫連接發佈者加值雲幣。 |
7219 | Attachment upload limit exceeded. Contact the business owner to purchase more cloud coins. | 附件上傳量超過當前版本限制,請聯繫企業建立者加值雲幣。 |
8017 | Company/Team doesn't exist or has been closed. | 企業不存在或者已經被解散,檢查參數後重試。 |
8301 | Failed to verify the API key for authorization. | API 簽名校驗失敗,檢查參數後重試。 |
8302 | Do not have permission for the API calls. | 沒有 API 請求權限,檢查參數後重試。 |
8303 | The call frequency of the company/team exceeds the frequency limit. | 企業 API 請求次數達到頻率上限,可等待 1s 後重試,頻繁發生可以排查一下企業 API 請求佔用情況,或者新增頻率限制。 |
8304 | The call frequency exceeds the frequency limit. | 當前 API 請求次數達到頻率上限,可等待 1s 後重試當前 API,頻繁發生可以新增頻率限制。 |
9004 | Failed to create the task. | 隊列任務建立失敗,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢技術支援。 |
9007 | Failed to obtain the lock. | 鎖取得失敗,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢技術支援。 |
17017 | The request contains invalid parameter(s). | 平台 API 的參數異常,檢查參數後重試。 |
17018 | The API key is invalid. | 無效的 API Key。 |
17023 | The batch update at one time exceeds the limit. | 單次批次修改數量超出限制,上限為 100。 |
17024 | The batch creation at one time exceeds the limit. | 單次批次建立數量超出限制,上限為 100。 |
17025 | The transaction_id contains invalid parameter(s). | transaction_id 參數格式不正確。 |
17026 | The transaction_id already exists. | transaction_id 重複,請修改後重試。 |
17027 | Failed to upload the API file. | API 文件上傳失敗,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢技術支援。 |
17032 | The field type isn't supported. | 不支援的欄位類型,檢查參數後重試。 |
17034 | The sub-field type isn't supported. | 不支援的子表單欄位類型,檢查參數後重試。 |
17052 | Not included in the IP whitelist. | 不在 IP 白名單內,檢查對應 API Key 相關配置。 |
17053 | Not among the authorized apps. | 不在應用授權範圍內,檢查對應 API Key 相關配置。 |
17054 | Not among the authorized APIs. | 不在 API 授權範圍內,檢查對應 API Key 相關配置。 |
30002 | Unable to retrieve the pre-set CRM form now. | CRM 預設表單暫不支援調用 |
50000 | The target node doesn't exist. | 目標節點不存在 |
50004 | The task doesn't exist. | 待辦任務不存在 |
50008 | Workflow processing error. | 流轉異常,稍後重試,仍然出現可以諮詢 技術支援。 |
50011 | The task doesn't exist. | 執行實例不存在。 |
50014 | No permission to close the task. | 操作人不能為空。 |
50016 | The instance_id is invalid. | 流程實例不存在。 |
50019 | The action is not supported. | 不支援的簽核行為,檢查參數後重試。 |
50021 | The data_id is invalid. | 關聯業務對象不存在。 |
50031 | The data_id is invalid. | 流程資料不存在。 |
50040 | This node can't be returned. | 當前節點禁止退回,檢查節點配置並確認節點未在執行。 |
50041 | Can't return to the current node. | 退回節點為當前節點。 |
50047 | Workflow being migrated. Try again later. | 流程遷移中,請稍後再試。 |
50049 | Can't return to the Start Node without an initiator. | 不允許退回到沒有建立者的發起節點。 |
50051 | The workflow has been approved/transferred/returned. | 流程已被處理,請更新後查看。 |
50053 | No approver to add. | 加簽候選人列表不能為空,檢查參數後重試。 |
50054 | Can't add nested approval. For example, after approver A has added approver B, approver B can't add approver C. | 不支援嵌套加簽,檢查參數後重試。 |
50055 | No pre-approver or post-approver was added. | 僅支援前後加簽任務處理,檢查參數後重試。 |
50056 | The parent task is lost. For example, approver A has added approver B. After approver B had approved the assigned task, the initial task for approver A was lost. | 加簽父任務丟失,可能已經被處理,檢查參數後重試。 |
50057 | The Add Approver feature hasn't been enabled. | 加簽配置未開啟。 |
50059 | The member has been added as an approver. | 加簽候選人不能選擇節點負責人。 |
50060 | The approver is invalid. | 加簽候選人非法。 |
50061 | Can't add more than one approver. | 不支援多人加簽。 |
50062 | The added approver is reviewing the task. | 待被加簽人處理中。 |
50070 | Can't return to the plugin node. | 不允許退回到外掛節點。 |
50073 | Can't return to the in-progress node. | 禁止退回到進行中節點。 |