Indicator Chart



The indicator chart is designed to display a single measure record and requires only the setting of the measure without additional configuration of dimensions. This design provides a clear and straightforward representation of single-field record.

Application Scenarios

For example, you can use indicator chart to display the value of measures such as total sales, average price, unit price, and total weight for fruit orders.


The basic requirements of the indicator chart are as follows:







Setting Procedure

Creating a Statistic Chart

1. Select a dashboard or create a dashboard. Then click Stats and select data source. You can choose data from forms, data factory, and aggregate tables as your data source.

2. Rename the indicator chart, set the data permission, and change the chart type to indicator.

Adding Measures

1. To count a field, select it from the field panel on the left and drag it into Measure.

Aggregation is set to Sum by default, but you can change it to meet your statistical needs by clicking the measure, selecting Aggregation, and making the change you want.

2. You can set the Data Display Format as well, such as Thousand Separator and Unit. The customization of unit is available only in indicator chart.


Once the indicator chart has been set up, you can customize its style to meet your needs.

  • General style
    • Background: preset color, custom color or image
    • Title: preset color and custom color
  • Indicator style
    • Layout: five types of layouts
    • Size: three types of sizes
    • Title Position: Left or Middle
    • Color: preset color or custom color

Note: The component style settings do not apply on mobile.


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