Grid Column Aggregation



In a grid, you can quickly aggregate data (Number) and analyze them.

Application Scenarios

You can aggregate data in the following types of grids.


Setting Procedure

Preparing Records

Create a grid to demonstrate how the function is performed.

1. Create a form

Select an app, click  > New Form > Create from Excel.

2. Import sample records

Import the sample records: Height & Weight Distribution.xlsx.

3. Adjust the field type

When importing records, you can match the field types according to the following image. Then click Import.

Aggregation Rules

1. Aggregation range: all data under the current filter condition

2. Supported fields: support the Number field in a form; not support the Number field in a subform and other fields in a form.

3. Supported ways of aggregation: sum, average, max, and min.

4. For the same field, the system only displays one result of the aggregation.

5. The aggregation value is not cached. If you want to view the aggregated records, you need to reset the aggregation ways.

Where to Set

1. Manage Data

Open the form created in the step "Preparing Records", and click Manage Data.

2. Permission set in a form

Set the Manage All Data permission for yourselves in Publish.

Visit a form and switch to Manage All Data in the permission set. The view is set as the grid view by default. Then in the grid, click  > Overall.

Aggregation Methods

The methods of aggregating records are the same in the two types of records. Next, let us take aggregating data in the permission set as an example.

After selecting the Number field, whose records you need to aggregate, you can select one of the following methods to aggregate them.

  • Sum
  • Average
  • Max
  • Min

For example, calculate the average weight:


See the section "Preview".


In the All Data with Permission permission set, you cannot aggregate a column of data in a grid:

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