Subform Assignment Rules


When updating records in and adding records to the target form, you can use subforms to assign value. But you need to follow the assignment rules below. For example, Form 1 is the target form, and Form 2 is the data source.

When Adding a Record

Cannot Assign Values From Fields in Different Subforms to Fields/One Subform

1. Assign values from subform fields to form fields.

Suppose you assign values from subform fields at a preceding node to fields in the target form. If the preceding node contains multiple subforms, you can only use subfields from one subform to assign values to all fields.

When setting field values, if you use another subform to assign values, then the former settings for subform assignment will be cleared.

2. Assign values from subform fields to subfields from one subform.

Suppose you assign values from subform fields at a preceding node to subfields in the target form. If the preceding node contains multiple subforms, you cannot assign values from subfields in different subforms to the subfields in one subform of the target form.

When setting field values, if you use another subform to assign values, then the former settings for subform assignment will be cleared.

Configuration Conflicts Between Fields and Subfields

Suppose the target form contains both fields and subfields. There will be conflicts between the configurations of the two types of fields if you configure fields like the followings.

  • If you assign values from fields in a multi-value data source to subfields, you cannot use these fields to assign values to any field.
  • If you assign values from subfields in a multi-value data source to subfields, you must use fields in a multi-value data source to assign values to at least one field.


Multi-value data source refers to the preceding nodes at which multiple records are stored.

Cannot Assign Values from Subfields to Fields and Subfields Simultaneously

If the target form contains both fields and subfields, you cannot assign values from subfields at the preceding nodes to fields and subfields simultaneously.

For example: After you assign values from a subfield at a preceding node to any subfield, you cannot use the subfield at the preceding node to assign values to any field.

When Updating Records

Only Allowed to Update Subfields in the Same Subform

If there are multiple subforms included in the target form, you can only update records in one suform at each Update Record node. Otherwise, when you adding fields from the second subform, the former settings for subform assignment will be cleared:

Cannot Assign Values from Fields And Subfields to Subfields Simultaneously

Suppose both form and subfields are included at a preceding node. When updating the subform records in the target form, you can only use fields from the same source to assign values. Otherwise, the incorrect assignment configurations will be cleared. Using field from the same source refers to:

  • Only use fields to assign value
  • Only use subfields of the same subform to assign value

Only Allowed to Use Subfields in the Same Subform to Assign Value

When updating fields and subfields in the target form, if there are multiple subforms included at the preceding nodes, you need to comply with the following rules. Otherwise, the incorrect assignment configurations will be cleared.

  • When updating fields, you can only use subfields from one of the subforms to assign values to all fields.
  • When updating subfields of a single subform, you can only use subfields from one of the subforms to assign values to subfields.

Configuration Conflicts Between Fields and Subfields

When you update fields and subfields in the target form simultaneously, there will be configuration conflicts between them in the following scenarios.

  • You cannot assign values from subfields at the preceding nodes to fields and subfields simultaneously.
  • After assigning values from subfields at the preceding nodes to fields in the target form, you cannot update any subfield.
  • After assigning values from subfields at the preceding nodes (multiple records) to fields in the target form, you cannot update any subfield.

Conflicts Between Updating and Adding Records in the Subform

Suppose you choose to update or add record. If you use subfields at the preceding nodes to update or add values to subfields of the target form, you can only use the same subfield at the same node. Otherwise, all the conflicted configurations will be cleared.

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