Using SubForm Records to Update or Add Form Records


Feature Overview

When you update or add records from a subform to another form's subform, Automations Pro will be triggered, and automatically update or add records to another form’s main form.


Scenario Name

Problem Statement

Problem Solving

Production Management

How to synchronize product details in the Product Management form with the data that constantly update in the Production Record form?

1. Input the information of newly-manufactured products to the subform, Production Details, in the Production Record form.

2. Automations Pro can synchronize the new records of product details to the Product Management form.

3. Future updates and addition in the Production Details subform will be synchronized automatically to the Product Management form.


1. Submit the details of newly-produced products to the Production Details subform in the Production Record form:

a. Standard rack (model A), previously recorded but this time produced by a different manufacturer.

b. Non-standard rack (model B), a first-time produced product.

2. Automations Pro are triggered to update and add the records in the Product Management form’s main form:

a. Update the manufacturer of the standard rack (model A);

b. Add the record of the non-standard rack (model B).

Building the Forms

1. Create a Product Management form. The settings are as follows:

Field Name

Field Type

Product Type

Single Select

Product Name

Single Line

Model Number

Single Line


Single Select

2. Create a Production Record form. The settings are as follows:

Field Name

Field Type

Production Number

Serial No.

Production Date


Production Details


Production Details.Type

SubForm - Single Select

Production Details.Name

SubForm - Single Select

Production Details.Model Number

SubForm - Single Line

Production Details.Quantity

SubForm - Number

Production Details.Manufacturer

SubForm - Single Select

Total Production



Single Select

Setting Automations Pro

Creating Automations Pro

To create an automation,

1. Click Extension > Automations > New Automation.

2. Rename the automation.

3. Choose the trigger type, Form Trigger, and choose the Production Record form from the drop-down as the triggering form.

Setting Trigger Node

Select the trigger node, and select Add record as the trigger, allowing Automations Pro to be triggered after a new production record is submitted:

Adding Update Record Node

Under the trigger node, add a Update Record node:

Setting Update Record Node

Set Update Record further. The details are as follows:

1. Select what to update:

Choose Record in the form to update records within a target form, and select the Product Management form as the target form:

2. Filter and select the records required to be updated

Add filtering conditions to select from the Product Management form the records of the same product type, name, and model number with those in the trigger data, and update them; if there is no record that meets the conditions, Automations Pro will add the records to the Product Management form directly.:

a. Filtering conditions:

  • Product Type equals any Trigger Data--Production Details.Type
  • Product Name equals any Trigger Data--Production Details.Name
  • Model Number equals any Trigger Data--Production Details.Model Number

b. Tick the option If no record is to be updated, add one to the corresponding form


1. By applying filtering conditions, we filter out unwanted records. No operation is executed at the moment.

3. Set field values

a. Update records

Update the selected product records from the Product Management form. The settings are as follows:

Add the fields: The subform fields from the trigger data will assign values to the corresponding fields in the Product Management form, thus executing the updating.;

Manufacturer equals Trigger Data--Production Details.Manufacturer

Match the to-be-updated records with the trigger data: Before updating, the trigger data should match the corresponding records in the Product Management form based on the values in the fields: Product Type, Product Name, and Model Number;

Product Type equals any Trigger Data--Production Details.Type

Product Name equals Trigger Data--Order Details.Product Name

Model Number equals any Trigger Data--Production Details.Model Number

b. Add records

If there is no product record that matches the trigger data, Automations Pro will add the records to the Product Management form. The detailed settings are as follows:

Click Add Record:

Set field values: Let the subform fields from the trigger data assign values to the corresponding fields in the Product Management form.

Save and Enable

Completing all the settings, click Save & Enable to put the Automations Pro into use.


For record updating, you can refer to Subform Assignment Rules for details.

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