Automations Pro FAQ

Q: Can the old "Automations" trigger "Automations Pro"?

A: No; "Automations Pro" and "Automations" do not trigger each other. For example, if "Automations Pro" adds data to Table A, it will not trigger an "Automations" set to trigger upon data addition to Table A, and vice versa.

Q: For making different modifications to different types of data within a form, should I use conditional branches or multiple serial data modification nodes?

A: Multiple serial data modification nodes should be used because:

1. Reason Analysis

Using conditional branch nodes to perform modifications based on data type can lead to errors reporting that the form is undergoing other batch operations. This is because if multiple conditions are met simultaneously, multiple modification nodes will attempt to execute at the same time, which may block one node while another is modifying, leading to failure.

2. How to Use Multiple Serial Modification Nodes?

Add multiple modification nodes in sequence, setting filter conditions in each node based on type. For example, to tag daily special products:

Modification Node 1: Filter set for product type "equals" t-shirts, sales "greater than" 100;

Modification Node 2: Filter set for product type "equals" jackets, sales "greater than" 50;

This ensures that modification nodes execute in sequence (avoiding simultaneous execution failures), with each node filtering and modifying data for its specific type.

Q: Does Automations Pro have an automatic retry mechanism?

A: Yes, if the execution fails because "the form is executing other batch editing tasks," it will automatically retry five times. After five retries, the final execution result will be displayed in the execution log, with the status of "Automations Pro" shown as "retrying" during this period.

Q: Why won't Automations Pro trigger?

A: The trigger logic for "Automations Pro" requires that form changes meet the trigger action and pass condition verification before triggering. If "Automations Pro" fails to trigger, check the following settings:

1. Ensure Trigger Action is Met

Modifying Data: If the modified data remains the same as the original value, it is not considered a valid modification. To trigger "Automations Pro" on data modification, the field value must change.

Deleting Data: Only deleting an entire record is considered a deletion action. Deleting only content within a subform is considered data modification; changing the trigger action to "on data modification" will allow triggering.

2. Ensure Trigger Conditions are Met

When multiple trigger conditions are set, their logical relationship is by default "and". If not all conditions are met, it will not trigger. If the actual logical relationship should be "or", switch to this setting.

Q: Why are there no modification records in the data log even though the execution log shows data was modified?

A: If the data remains unchanged before and after modification, the data log will not record the modification. Check the latest update time of the corresponding data to verify if it has been updated.

Q: Can data changes implemented by Automations Pro trigger data pushes?

A: Yes, the following data changes implemented by "Automations Pro" can trigger data pushes:

- Adding single/multiple data entries

- Deleting a single data entry

- Modifying a single data entry

Q: How to correctly configure a data modification node?

A: When using a data modification node, you must correctly configure the following three steps to ensure "Automations Pro" knows which data to modify and how:

1. Select the Data to be Modified: Add filter conditions to identify the main data that needs modification. For instance, modify only the data with order number JDY-001.

2. Set Field Values: Add and set the field values to tell "Automations Pro" what the target data should be changed to.

3. Set the Relationship Between Target Data and Data Source: Establish a many-to-many relationship. For example, if modifying quantities for coats and shirts in an order, set a relationship like "target data.product name = data source.product name" so that "Automations Pro" knows to match and modify data for "shirts" with shirts, not other products.

Note: Subform data in the target data that does not match will not be modified.

Q: Are there any execution time limits in Automations Pro?

A: There is no timeout limit for modifying or deleting data nodes. However, the following nodes may fail due to execution timeouts:

- Plugin nodes: 1 minute

- Query single/multiple data nodes: 30 seconds

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