App Management



An app is like a system that include all kinds of forms, dashboards, and other features.

Application Scenario(s)

You can create an app and name it as Personnel Management System. Then you can create a regular form named Enrollment Registration, a workflow form named Resignation Application, and a dashboard named Employee Contacts. You can use the app to register enrolled employees, review resignation workflow, and check employee information.

Where to Create

The first step to using Jodoo is to create an app.

When creating an app, you can:

  • Create an app from scratch: create apps by dragging and dropping.
  • Obtain recommended templates: click the recommended templates on the left of New App and search for official templates in some scenarios.
  • Install popular templates: directly install apps from Popular Templates.
  • Install apps from Template Center: search Template Center for suitable templates.
  • Apply for customized apps: ask Jodoo's professional teams to customize apps for you.

Restoring Deleted App(s)

If you delete an app accidentally, contact us to restore it. Currently, users in all plans can pay for this feature.

Rules for Restoring

1. Within 30 days after deletion, you can pay to restore the deleted app. However, restoring the deleted app is impossible if the deletion occurred more than 30 days ago.

2. During the restoring process, the following can be restored.

  • Dashboards and all configurations in apps can be recovered together.
  • Field properties, form properties, and relevant linkage in forms within apps can be recovered. For instance, tasks and processed data and workflow in workflow forms can be recovered.
  • Configurations in advanced features and added cross-app forms can be recovered.
  • Recovery of external linkage configurations:

o If you do not modifythe external linkage configurations of a form within an app before the app is recovered, then the form and its external linkage configurations can be linked again after the app is recovered.

o If you have modified external linkage configurations of a form within an app before it is recovered, then external linkage configurations cannot be recovered after the app is recovered.

  • After recovering an app, check it at the end of the lists in Workspace > My App.
  • If you have set app permissions in the Admin Group of Contacts, these app permissions can also be recovered after the app is recovered.

For more help, contact our Support Team.

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