After reading this passage, you can know how to apply the Date&Time field to record your time.
What is the Date&Time Field?
Date&Time fields are mainly used to record time information and support automatically accessing the current time or custom fill in the time value.
Setting Field Properties
Date&Times fields support four formats of time, including YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Initial Value
Initial Value refers to the value displayed by default when you visit the form.
- Current Time: The field will dynamically display Date&Time when you visit the form.
- Custom: You can select a date as a preset value.
- Data Linkage: The value of this field is applied from another form field. For details, see Data Linkage.
- Formula: The value of this field is automatically calculated by a formula. For details, see Formula.
1. The Date&Time field supports function calculations. For details, see Date Functions.
2. If you have set Date&Time fields in the form, you can aggregate form data by Year, Year-Quarter, Year-Month, Year-Week, and Year-Month-Day in the dashboard.
For example, when you input data in the form, some data are calculated by year, such as annual leave, and some data are calculated by month, such as monthly salary, then you can aggregate data according to your needs.
Only when the type of the Date&Time field is set to YYYY-MM-DD can you aggregate data in any of the above five ways in the dashboard.
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