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Creating Your First Form

Follow this passage, you can learn to how to enable your first form.

Updated this week

What is Form?

In Jodoo, form is the basic tool used to fill in and collect data. They are classified into two types as follows:

  • Regular form: used to fill in and collect data, and to handle the collected data in a collaborative way.

  • Workflow form: used for members to send applications, which are transferred from subordinates to superiors for sequential approval.

You can use forms to organize your business data and working process in a more convenient way.


Here is an example of a form by which you can collect employee information.

How to Create a Form?

You can learn how to create and design a form in Jodoo to collect data in this passage. To facilitate the guiding, we set the application scenario as collecting employee information. Here are the steps.

Step 1 Adding a Form

Select an app and create a form.

Click New Form > Create from Scratch, and rename the form to Employee Information Form.

Step 2 Adding Fields

Fields, the building blocks of forms, are necessary for creating forms and collecting information. Regarding field functions, different fields are suitable for collecting different kinds of data. To see more details, view the Fields.

For example, when collecting employees' birthdays, it is appropriate to use the Date&Time field. By selecting the field, you can ensure that the input is in the correct format for capturing birthdays.

In this case, the employee information and the corresponding field types are as follows.

Employee Information

Field Type

Field Function


collect words, numbers, serial numbers


select one option from the drop-down list


record time information

Phone Number

collect words, numbers, serial numbers

Once you have determined the types of fields you need, add the fields by dragging and dropping, and then modify the field names. For example:

After setting all the fields you need, the final form is shown below:

Click Save, and you create your first form successfully.

Until now, you have created your first form. In further steps, you can configure permissions for members and manage data in forms. Click the above hyperlinks to explore these features!

When to Use Form?

  • In the case of employee registration, you can collect employee information through a regular form.

  • In the case of resignation review, an employee can initiate the resignation process by submitting an App through a workflow form. This form will be transferred from the employee's immediate supervisor to higher-level superiors for approval.

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