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Creating Your First Dashboard

Follow this passage, you can create your fist dashboard in Jodoo.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is Dashboard?

Dashboard is a data visualization tool consisting mainly of charts, modules, and overall settings. Dashboard can help you analyze the collected data and present the results in a multi-dimensional, real-time way.

What does it Look Like?

Taking fruit sales as an example, when you enter the data, the dashboard is presented as follows:

How to Create a Dashboard?

If you have prepared the data as shown in Creating Your First Form, you can directly set the dashboard in the following steps.

Step 1 Adding a New Dashboard

Select an app, click New > New Dashboard, and modify the name to Gender Statistics.

Step 2 Adding Chart and Data Source

Analyze the statistics and get the gender ratio. The stats chart is a suitable choice.

In the left editing panel, select Stats, select the data source, for example, the employee information form, and modify the name to Gender Ratio.

Step 3 Adding Dimension and Measure

Select Pie Chart, and drag and drop the field Gender to the Dimension and Measure fields.

You can modify the name of the field Gender in the Measure field to Proportion and click OK.

Step 4 Viewing Your Dashboard

Click and view the gender ratio chart on the Design page.

When to Use Dashboard?

When you need to visualize and analyze data, you turn to dashboards. Here are two specific scenarios for reference.

  • For employee information management, you can view the distribution of different age groups for men and women through stacked bar charts.

  • For personnel management, you can analyze the incumbency and resignation rate of employees.

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