Updates on Ver.6.4.0

Current Version: 6.4.0

Common Functions

Batch Print with Custom Template

In former versions, you could only batch printing with a default template. In Ver.6.4.0, you can customize printing templates in Manage Data or in the permission sets in Publish, allowing you to print with your personalized templates according to demands.

  • In former versions, you cannot customize print template settings, such as form height, width, and titles:

  • In Ver.6.4.0, you can customize print templates according to your demands:


You can only customize form print templates in Manage Data and in Other settings in permission sets.

Optimizing Banners in Workspace

Banners in Workspace now support settings for Display Content, Fill Style, and Hyperlink.

Optimizing Filtering from All Aspects

1. Optimize the filtering interface for data in permission sets and in Manage Data.

The filtering interface is more spacious, it can now efficiently display a number of filtering conditions.

2. Switch filtering conditions in one–click.

An empty filtering condition will be set for a primary filter by default in most cases. You can select fields from the drop–down list for filtering. In addition, you can also directly switch the filtering fields to quickly complete the filtering according to different conditions:

3. Delete all filtering conditions in one–click.

If there are more than two filtering conditions, you can delete all of them in one–click.

Direct Access to My Favorites inside Apps

When visiting an app, click the left sidebar to go to My Favorites. After adding frequently used apps to My Favorites, you can switch between pages without going back to the workspace.

Business Process

Show Overdue Details to Non–approver Recipients

To better manage the overdue workflow, members other than approvers, are often set as the recipients for the reminders of the workflow overdue actions. However, due to data permission, only approvers can view the overdue details. Given this, other recipients cannot communicate with approvers about the overdue workflow.

In Ver.6.4.0, data details and other visible fields configured at the overdue nodes are accessible to non–approvers, such as department leaders. From the overdue reminders, they can learn about members related to the overdue actions and key information of the process.

Organization Management

Adding Assigned Dept. in Roles

Assigned Dept. is added in Roles settings. When a Role is set as the approver of the workflow node/cc node, the data and cc reminders from the corresponding Assigned Dept. can be only accessible to members with the Role.

For example, James is responsible for reimbursement approval of the Product R&D Department and Product Design Department, and Melon is responsible for reimbursement approval of Marketing and Translation. The Assigned Dept. is set differently for the members with the same role of Reimbursement Manager.

The Approver is set to be the Reimbursement Manager.

Nicola is from Product R&D Department. When she submits data, the workflow will flow to James for approval, not Melon.

Set the Assigned Dept. under Roles to better manage the workflows.

Data Analysis

Optimizing Filtering in Dashboard

1. Department and Departments filter fields support Available Options.

If the filter field type for the filter component in the dashboard is Department or Departments, you can set Available Options. Available Options can help you conduct precise filtering to improve efficiency:

2. New quick filtering style.

In addition to the existing pattern for the Quick Filter component, the card pattern is added. You can choose filter patterns freely according to demands:

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