Reactivating a Workflow

This article shows how to reactivate a workflow.

What does it Look Like?

How to Reactivate a Workflow?

There are two ways to reactivate workflows: reactivate directly in Manage Data by admins and reactivate by members who have permissions.

Reactivating by Admins

Select the Vehicle Application form and click Edit.

Reactivate in Manage Data. Select one record, click Reactivate, and make relevant settings.

Approver will receive a notification in My Tasks after the node is re-activated.

After being approved, the workflow will circulate to end.

Reactivating by Members

After having relevant permissions, members can also reactivate workflows.

1. Set permissions

You can set permissions for members through Manage All Workflows in Publish > To Members.

You can also customize the permissions of reactivating. For details, see Custom Permission Set.

2. Reactivate workflows

Members can visit the permission sets and click the record needing to be reactivated.

For example, re-activate the Financial Department Approval node.

The approver in this node will receive a notification in My Tasks at the same time.

3. Updates

You can see the histories of workflows both before and after reactivation.

Rules Description

1. Only nodes that have been circulated can be reactivated.

2. Only workflows that have been completed can be reactivated. Workflows that are in progress and not enabled cannot be reactivated.

3. If you have set Workflow Notification, the approver will receive notifications in My Tasks after the workflow is reactivated.

4. If there are multiple approvers in nodes re-activated, they will receive the notification at the same time. You cannot designate approvers.

5. After being reactivated, the workflow will still circulate as the version before being reactivated.

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