Using Subform Data to Update Subform Data



If you create or update data in a subform field of one form and, subform data of another form will be updated by automations.

Application Scenarios

For example, in order management, after you create records in the subform of Jodoo Order Change Form, the automation is triggered to automatically update the order details in the original order form.

Setting Procedure

Take order management for example.

Creating a Form

1. Create an Jodoo Order Form, and add a subform for order details:

2. Create a workflow form, Jodoo Order Change Form, and add a subform for order details after updating data:

3. The workflow of the form can be set at Workflow, including the approver of each node, visible attributes of the fields and so on. For details, see Configuring a Workflow.

Setting Automations

1. Selecting a trigger

Configure a new automation and name it. Set the trigger action as Update Record (because Jodoo Order Change Form is a workflow form, the automation will be triggered after approval), select Jodoo Order Change Form as triggering form, add trigger conditions: Workflow Status equals Completed, approval equals Approve, and click Complete.

2. Configure a triggered action

Configure triggered action as Update Existing Data, select Jodoo Order Form as target form, add filtering conditions to determine which data to update, set the order detail fields in Jodoo Order Form to current order detail fields in Jodoo Order Change Form after triggering the change in Jodoo Order Change Form, and click Complete.

Note: The corresponding subform data can be updated only when subform field equals subform field is added to the filtering condition.


1. Add an order to Jodoo Order Form:

2. To update existing data in Jodoo Order Form, submit Jodoo Order Change Form:

3. After submitting the Jodoo Order Change Form, approve it:

4. After approving, the automation will update the order details in Jodoo Order Form.


  • In the automation which can update subform data according to the subform data in another form, the filtering condition for triggering actions must include both form and subform fields.
  • The triggering data must be set to match one target data.
  • The automation which can update subform data according to subform data is able to update both the form and the subform data.
  • Automations cannot delete subform data according to the subform data in another form.
  • For details of automation assignment rules, see Subform Assignment Rules.

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