My Tasks
My Tasks refer to the workflow data you need to review as an approver.
My Tasks includes Timed Out, Expedite, Delegation, Return, and Stash.
Application Scenario(s)
All workflow-related tasks can be processed in My Tasks.
Where to Use
1. Check all tasks.
In Workspace > Workflow Center, you can view all the tasks that you need to process in the whole enterprise:
2. Check the tasks in one app.
Select an app and click My Tasks. Then you can process all the tasks in this app:
Task Type(s)
Timed Out
If you set Overdue Actions for a workflow node and the approver at the node has not processed tasks within the time limit, the tasks will be marked Timed Out. In this case, the approver can find these overdue tasks in Timed Out and process them first.
If the Allow initiators to expedite feature is enabled in a workflow, the tasks that you are urged to process will be marked Expedite. In this case, you can find these tasks in Expedite and process them first.
A returned task is a workflow sent back from another workflow node. Return generally indicates that there are problems with the previously submitted data. This workflow has not continued to proceed, and additional data needs to be submitted.
A stashed task is the pre-submitted workflow that was put on hold for some reasons and only part of the data were filled. The stashed workflow can be found and resubmitted in My Tasks > Stash.
All Tasks
You can see all of your tasks in All. It also shows the number of tasks.
Other Settings
Searching Workflow Information
1. Where to search
Click the task type you want to search, and only the search results under that type will be displayed. If no task type is selected, My Tasks in apps will be searched by default. If it is a task in Workflow Center, My Tasks of the entire enterprise will be searched.
2. Search rules
- You can search workflow form name, initiator, current node, start time, and brief field values.
- You can also search Date&Time fields by the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, MM-DD, YYYY, MM, DD, HH:MM (hour and minute). If the format of the Date&Time field is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, you can retrieve the record as long as the format entered matches the supported format. For example, formats such as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, YYYY-MM, and YYYY-M are all allowed to search tasks.
Workflows can be filtered through Initiated User, Initiated Time, Workflow Form, Current Node (select a workflow form first). In addition, you can also add field filter conditions to filter workflows. Note that you need to select a workflow form and a current node first.
If you want to filter tasks in Workspace > Workflow Center, select an select an app first.
If more than 1000 tasks have been filtered through other conditions except the field filter condition, you will fail to filter tasks by adding field filter conditions. In the case, it is recommended to do so in the following way: select a task type, enter keywords into the search box, and set the initiated user and initiated time. The number of tasks you need to filter by adding field filter conditions should be no more than 1000.
1. Sorting methods
The tasks in apps can be sorted in the following three ways:
- Latest
- Earliest
- Group by Form: put the tasks from the same workflow form together.
The tasks in Workflow Center of Workspace can be sorted by the following two ways: Latest and Earliest.
2. Group by form
Enable Group by Form, and tasks from the same workflow form will be displayed in groups.
1. Only the first 5000 tasks can be sorted by enabling Group by Form.
2. Sorting enables the front-end cache. When you visit My Tasks again, the previous sorting settings will be applied.
3. The expedited tasks will be displayed on the top of each form group.
Submitting Tasks in Batches
If Batch Submit has been enabled at workflow nodes, submit tasks in batches in My Tasks within an app.
Batch Submit is not supported when you submit tasks in Workspace > Workflow Center > My Tasks.
Task Detail Page
Click a task in My Tasks and go to the task detail page.
On the task detail page, you can submit, stash, and return workflows.
You can also click the name of a workflow form to jump to the workflow form.