Updates on Ver.8.3.0

Current Version: 8.3.0

Form Management

Supporting Duplicate Validation During Data Importing

In Ver.8.3.0, Jodoo introduces a duplicate validation feature for data importing. By ticking Trigger Validation upon Import, the system will validate for duplicates, effectively preventing the import of duplicate data. In the event of duplicate data, you can either skip the import or modify the duplicate entries before re-importing.

For example, in the event of duplicate employee names, the system reports the error, and then you modify the duplicate employee name.


Currently, you can validate duplicates for a maximum of three form fields. If you tick No duplicates for more than three fields, duplicate validation will not be performed.

Renaming Image/Attachment Based on Field Value During Data Exporting

After this update, you can rename attachments/images based on field values in a form during the data-exporting process. This feature helps organize and archive attachments and images, thus enabling you to migrate data more smoothly if needed.

For example, you rename profiler pictures based on employee names when exporting employee information.

Optimizing the Query Data Field

1. Optimize the field properties for the Query Data Field.

The field properties for the Query Data field are optimized as follows: Data Source > Query Result. Here are the details:

  • Select a data source.
  • Configure how to display the query result.
    • Show Records (how many records you would prefer to show)
    • Displayed Fields (which fields you would prefer to display)
    • Displayed Data (which data you would prefer to display)

2. Display fields and field values in a two-column layout.

For the Query Data field, the system now displays field titles and contents in a two-column layout, allowing for clearer differentiation between the two parts.

3. Directly jump to the data source form.

After selecting a data source, you can now click  to jump to the Design page of the source form directly. This update helps you check and redesign source forms more efficiently.

Business Workflow

Designating Alternate Approver for Members to Choose from

In this update, a new feature named Designate Alternate Approver is introduced. This feature allows you to define the available choices for members when they need to temporarily add an approver within a workflow. This enhancement improves the efficiency of selecting approvers while effectively preventing the occurrence of wrong selection, random selection, or unauthorized actions.

For example, in the Vehicle Request form, you set Mary as the only available choice for members when they need to add a temporary approver in a workflow.

General Feature

Supporting Style Settings for Global Watermark

After this update, you can configure how global watermarks will be displayed in your system. This allows you to modify the color and density of watermarks as needed, thus enhancing data security.

For example, modify the color and density of watermarks.


1. If you enable/disable/configure Global Watermark, any changes you make to the feature will be synchronized and applied to the app watermarks.

2. In the case of enabling App Watermark in one app, if you set styles for Global Watermark and then disable the feature, the settings will also take effect in the app watermark.

Organization Management

Batch Importing Members into Existing Roles

Before this update, especially for roles with a large number of members and high mobility, it used to be a manual and error-prone task for admins to manage these members. Now, it is possible to import members in batches for existing roles using their names or IDs, thus simplifying the process of managing your company structure.

Adjusting the Number of Members Displayed on One Page for Contacts

After this update, in Contacts, you can adjust the number of members to be displayed on each page, catering to individual user preferences for page display.

Open Platform

Optimizing Syntax Error Reporting for Custom Plugin

After this update, you can check the format prompt and validate your entries when configuring common parameters, request parameters, and response parameters in the form view on the Plugin Design page. This feature helps reduce input errors, ensuring a smoother and more reliable configuration of the form view.

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