July 19, Version 9.5.0

Current Version: V9.5.0

Form Management

"New Print Template" Renamed

The New Print Template button is renamed to New Table Template, with a description of the printed file type.

Custom Buttons Usage Optimized

In Custom Buttons, you can decide how custom buttons should be displayed and what tooltips should show up when conditions are not met. This clearly tells the button's availability and can provide clear explanations, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.

  • Hide Button: The default status; the button is not displayed.
  • Show Unclickable Button: The button is grayed out, non-clickable, but hovering over it shows prompt information.

For example, this is the different styles of an unavailable "Send the Order" button:

More Cross-Form Operations Supported

When adding record(s) to another form through custom buttons, the following actions on the button-linked form are allowed:

This brings smoother experience and higher efficiency. Here is the effect of saving a draft:

Business Process

New Parameter for Value Assignment — "Records amount" (Automations Pro)

The Query Record/Records nodes add a Records amount parameter that dynamically obtains the number of records queried by the node. Records amount can be used as a single-value numerical field for value assignment at subsequent nodes. For example, the automation can split into different paths based on the amount of records.

In reconciliation scenarios, in order to fill the "Supplier Statement" form, you can design an automation that queries the records of the inbound products from a specific supplier. The Records amount parameter that shows the record counts is called by an Update Record node to assign the value to the "Number of Entries" field in the statement.

Assigning Textual Values to Multi Line Fields (Automations Pro)

When setting for value assignment at Add Record/Update Record nodes, you can use these fields to assign values to Multi Line fields in the target data:

Here is an example of using a Trigger Data--Serial No. field to assign the value to a Multi Line field:

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