Updates on December 31

Current Version: 9.14.0

What's New

Automations Pro Triggered via Custom Buttons Support Add Formula and Plugin Nodes.

Automations Pro triggered through custom buttons now supports triggering Add Formula and Plugin Nodes via buttons. Additionally, the node limit has been increased to 50, enabling support for more diverse and complex business requirements and delivering a more efficient automation experience.

Jodoo Introduces New Execution Confirmation Mechanism to Automations Pro.

To ensure operational accuracy and prevent unintended data impacts from accidental clicks, the new "A second confirmation is required before execution" option has been added to Automations Pro. When enabled, members must confirm their actions a second time before executing the corresponding operation by clicking the button.

Custom Print Templates Now Support Sorting.

In Extension >> Print Templates, print templates can now be sorted via drag-and-drop. You can place frequently used templates at the top of the selection list or arrange templates based on business usage preferences. This feature improves member accessibility, enhances printing efficiency, and optimizes the user experience.

Jodoo Supports Filtering the Current Node's Approver in Certain Scenarios.

Jodoo adds a new feature allowing filtering by the "Current Approver" in the following scenarios:

This enables members to quickly identify their own pending tasks, allows admins to review process handling based on responsible individuals, and strengthens data control.

For example, in permission sets, we can filter data where the current node is set to "Manager Approval" and the current approver is Erica.

What's Enhanced

Jodoo Supports Designing Automations Pro Directly Within the Custom Button Settings Page.

With this update, you can now design Automations Pro directly on the custom button settings page without switching to a new tab, making the entire configuration process smoother and more convenient.

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