June 6, Version 9.2.0

Current Version: 9.2.0

Business Process

Supporting Multiple Records Selections for Filter Conditions

To enhance the functionality of data filtering and increase efficiency in complex scenarios, Jodoo now supports the selection of primary fields from the Query Records and Add Record nodes as filter values. This update is crucial for ensuring data accuracy and is applicable in the following scenarios:

In purchasing order management, when supplier information is updated, Jodoo automatically queries all related purchase order records, allowing for streamlined updates to contact person details and contact information.

Enabling Number of Used Nodes Reminder for Automations Pro

To support complex business needs and help you manage your usage effectively, Jodoo now includes a node usage reminder in Automations Pro. Once you exceed 40 nodes, this reminder will display the total number of nodes utilized, keeping you informed as you configure your automations.

Data Analysis

Enabling Zoom Slider for Some Charts

Jodoo now features a zoom slider for line and column charts, enhancing your ability to analyze data. This tool allows managers and team members to easily examine both the comprehensive and specific aspects of business performance, facilitating a clearer understanding of trends and discrepancies in the records.

Supporting Hiding Containers

Jodoo now offers the flexibility to hide containers within your applications. This feature allows managers to customize the visibility of containers to suit different business scenarios and optimize display effects across mobile and PC platforms.

Updating Size Limits for Charts and Components on Mobile

Jodoo has updated the size limits for charts and components on mobile to enhance dashboard flexibility and accommodate your company's advanced customization needs. This update allows for more detailed and expansive visual displays, ensuring that your team can fully utilize the dashboard for optimal data visualization and analysis. The size limit has been updated as follows:

Chart/Component Type

Minimum Size on Mobile

Maximum Size on Mobile


Width: 3/6 rows

Height: 1.5 grid

Width: 6/6 rows

Height: 50 grid

Indicator chart (with no dimension and one measure)

Width: 1.5/6 rows

Height: 1 grid

Width: 6/6 rows

Height: 10 grid

Other charts/components

Width: 3/6 rows

Height: 1 grid

Width: 6/6 rows

Height: 10 grid

General Feature

Supporting Language Switch on Mobile

Jodoo has streamlined the language settings to enhance user experience. You can now easily switch between English and Traditional Chinese directly on your mobile device. Simply navigate to User Profile > Account Settings > Language to select your preferred language. This update ensures a more accessible and tailored interface for all users.

Updating Limits on Data Export

Jodoo has revised the data export limitations to enhance system efficiency and meet various business requirements. Here’s what has changed for exports from Management, permission sets, or dashboards:

  1. You can export primary fields or a single subform without any limitations.
  2. When exporting a primary field together with its subfields, the primary fields are consolidated into merged cells. To maintain optimal system performance, you can export up to 1,000,000 merged cells in one go.

For a practical example, the four primary fields below have been consolidated as merged cells. For details, refer to Exporting Data.

Open Platform

Optimizing API Console

Jodoo has upgraded the API console to streamline your development process, minimize costs, and boost efficiency. Now, after debugging in the API console, you can easily access the results, helpful documentation, sample code, and error codes directly on the debugging page. This enhancement ensures you can quickly identify and resolve issues, speeding up your development workflow.

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