May 23, Version 9.1.0

Current Version: 9.1.0

Business Process

Introducing New Function "Count (COUNT)" to "Aggregation"

For the Add Formula node, a new aggregation function Count (COUNT) is introduced to directly calculate the total number of subform records and multiple records. This function is often used in scenarios where business processes are controlled based on count results, such as customer complaint handling and project progress monitoring.

For example, after your customer submit a complaint, Automations Pro can automatically query and calculate the number of pending complaints for that customer. If the number of complaints exceeds three, an email will be sent to remind the person in charge to follow up and handle it.

Viewing References between Form and Automations Pro

After this update, you can view the specific references between forms and Automations Pro in the following scenarios, making it easier to manage complex business processes and maintain automations:

For example, you add an automation in the Leads form. You can check the reference between the form and Automations Pro on the Referenced View page.

Data Analysis

Configuring the Style of Multiple Tabs for "Container"

In Jodoo 9.1.0, you can now configure the multi-tab style for Container within your dashboard. This update offers four preset styles to choose from, meeting users' demands for a higher level of customization and enhancing the user experience when switching between multiple tabs.

Configuring "Label Overlap" for Stats Charts

When choosing stats charts for data analysis, you can now configure Label Overlap for the following five types of charts. This feature supports three options: Auto Fit, Hide Overlapping Labels, and Auto Staggered Arrangement. This solves the problem of label overlap when you analyze large amounts of data in a dashboard, making dashboard building more flexible and controllable:

  • Column Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Area Chart
  • Combo Chart

For more details, see Basic Settings of Stats Charts.

General Feature

Directly Querying Admin Group and Permission Set

Previously, you had to turn on the Manage Permission button in Business Settings > Business Collaboration first before using the Admin Group Query and Permission Set Query features.

After this update, the Manage Permission button has been removed. Both the Admin Group Query and Permission Set Query features are now always available under Permission Center.

This update enables you to directly check admin groups or permission sets without needing to enable Manage Permission. This simplifies the permission query process for admins and improves enterprise management efficiency.

Renaming "Manage Permission" to "Query Permission"

The Manage Permission feature is renamed as Query Permission.

Organization Management

Introducing "System Benefits" to the "Statistics" Feature

In Management > Statistics, a new feature named System Benefits has been introduced. This feature allows you to query the time and cost savings achieved by using Jodoo based on four criteria: This Month, This Quarter, This Year, and Total. This enhancement further demonstrates the value of the Jodoo system, making it easier for business managers to make informed decisions.

Introducing "Block Notifications" to "Business Settings"

In Business Settings > Business Collaboration, a new feature named Block Notifications has been introduced. This feature allows you to configure whether members receive related in-app reminders, reducing the risk of mistaken reminders due to members having the same name. This enhancement improves the user experience for receiving message notifications and increases business collaboration efficiency.

Do you have any suggestions for this update? Welcome to click feedback to tell us more.

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