How to get your online shop started in a minute?

An efficient online product order form is more than helpful for streamlining business operations and enhancing customer satisfaction. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about a product order form, including what it is, why you need it, and how to create an effective one using Jodoo.

To help you get started more efficiently, Jodoo has prepared a free-to-install template that is user-friendly, customizable, and printable.

Click HERE to install the template to your workspace, and let Jodoo help you effortlessly start accepting orders online now.

What is a product order form?

An order form is often used to order specific products or services from a seller. It specifies the quantity of each item ordered and serves as a legally binding contract upon acceptance by the seller.

A product order form can be versatilely used in various scenarios:

  • Facilitate e-commerce transactions for online sales.
  • Create work orders for construction and maintenance.
  • Manage service orders for businesses like catering, photography, etc.
  • Collect donations and pledges for nonprofit fundraising.

Why use an online product order form?

An online product order form can significantly boost your business by helping you to:

  • Expand Your Reach: You can effortlessly share an online form on social media, embed it on your website pages, or add it to flyers and brochures using QR codes.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Customers can easily access your streamlined and user-friendly form to place orders anytime, anywhere.
  • Streamline Overall Operations: Automate order collection and processing to organize, track, and analyze orders for actionable insights.

For any small business, an online product order form is a powerful tool for boosting sales and improving customer satisfaction.

How to create an effective product order form?

An effective product order form must be informational, capturing all necessary information for a purchase or service. It is also crucial that such an order form isn't time-consuming so the customer can navigate through it easily and quickly.

With Jodoo's features in mind, here are four crucial points to consider that will help you make an effective order form:

1. Customize the template with proper fields

To boost your sales, make the purchase process simple and clear for your customers by adding the right fields and asking for precise information. Here are some of the elements that an order form must have:

Product or service preview

More often than not, people want to see the photos of the products they buy. Add images or photos to show your customers your product or service. Make your product or service clear to the customer with details. Don’t let them have any doubts.

Order details

It is the basic information you need to sell properly. Ask your customers the amount of each product they are buying from you. With Jodoo, you can do this even smarter by enabling multiple orders and smart calculations.

Allow customers to place multiple orders at once

When your customers intend to place multiple orders at once, don't miss the opportunity to make a good deal for the lack of features for multiple orders with details.

In Jodoo, you can simply drag and drop to add a Subform field on the form Design page to allow customers to place multiple orders at a time.

Use formulas to calculate costs in real-time

Don't scare your customers away with uncertain prices. Use formulas to easily calculate the costs and keep them up to date on how much your product/service will cost when they shop.

To calculate the subtotal of each item in the sample product order form, select the Subtotal field and set the Initial Value with Formula (Add to Cart.Price ($)*Add to Cart.Quantity).

Similarly, you can calculate the Total Cost with the Sum function (SUM(Add to Cart.Subtotal ($)).

Billing/Shipping address

To complete an order, don't forget to ask customers for information that is essential to offering them a good experience. Make sure customers have entered all the required information, such as Name, Phone, Email address, etc., before proceeding with the purchase.

After adding or editing the fields to collect personal and contact information, select an important field, for example, the Name field. Under the Field Properties, set the Validation to Required.

2. Brand your form with logos or images

How your form looks matters to most buyers, so make sure to have an engaging and visually appealing design. Choose from one of many ready-made free theme styles, or use advanced options to design your form from scratch and customize your form’s theme and design elements in depth.

In Jodoo, you can change text, colors, and even logos to customize your form and match the look and feel of your brand. On the form design page, go to Form Public Link Style under Form Properties and edit the Custom Styles to help your customers associate those elements with your product and the business.

3. Set logic rules to guide customers

Use logic rules like Field Display Rules to block or allow certain fields depending on the choices made by the customer.

The Field Display Rule will make the product order process simpler and more engaging. Use it to skip the information that is not important to the current question or show the most relevant content depending on the customer’s responses. Make your customers feel effortless to fill out your form with an interactive filling experience.

In the sample product order form, if the customer confirms that the shipping address is the same as the billing address, the shipping address fields will be automatically skipped for filling.

To set up the Field Display Rules in Jodoo, simply go to the form design page, find Form Properties > Field Display Rule, and set up the conditions according to your needs.

Depending on the order's cost, you can even offer the customer additional products at special prices. For more about conditional logic setting tips in Jodoo forms, refer to Field Display Rules.

4. Thank customers and engage them further

The thank you message upon order completion is a direct way to reach your customers and grab their attention. Don’t leave your customers on hold. Set up a message to keep your customers informed about whether their request was sent properly, show them your gratitude, and give them more information about next steps.

The custom Result Page feature in Jodoo lets you say thank you in a more impressive way that really shows your appreciation and lets your customers know what to expect.

On the Extension page, go to the Result Page to set up your custom thank you message for your customers.

Say a few kind words and add an image or video to creatively thank customers who have trusted you and spent their time. Try offering a special coupon for the next product order to elevate your customer care, or even encourage your customers to join you on social network groups using the custom thank you page after they complete an order.

For more tips on motivating your customers with a custom thank you page, refer to Inserting QR Codes in the Result Page.

Tips for setting up an extended version

This free product order form template has form fields that let you collect the customer’s name, contact details, order, and shipping information. If you want to edit the template further and enhance the effectiveness of your product order form to boost your sales, you’ll need to make the purchase process even simpler and clearer for your customers.

Here are some additional features that can help you increase the completion rate of your form:

  • Static Text: Add static texts like privacy terms, your shop's contact information, or instructions on how to fill in the product order form using the Divider field.
  • Notifications: Enable Notifications to stay updated on new orders. Each time a product order form is submitted, you will be informed with pushed notifications or an automated email to help you prepare the orders more quickly and send them to the delivery address. You can also enable this option for your customers so that they will receive an email to inform them about their order.
  • Database Management: On the Manage Data page, you can edit your form database online. If needed, you can also export them to Excel or PDF files for offline management.
  • Sharing Options: On the Publish page, you can set up a direct link or QR code to share your custom product order form. You can also share your product order form on social media, send it in an email, or embed it into your website pages.

Use different UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters to track customer sources when sharing your form on different social media. This can help you find a social media platform worth focusing on and make an effective marketing strategy for your business.

  • Dashboard Stats: Creating a dashboard that really makes sense can help you better understand your customers and make informed decisions that will bring you more income on your form.

In the sample product order template, you can customize reporting and measure sales performance with the Sales Overview dashboard.


Creating an efficient product order form is essential for modern businesses. By leveraging Jodoo’s features, you can streamline your order processing, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost your sales. Jodoo intends to give you the best experience and provides the tools you need to get started efficiently.

Install the Product Order Form and take the first step towards a more organized and efficient business operation. You’ll not only save time but also get actionable ideas!

We sincerely hope Jodoo can help you start your business more efficiently. If you have any feedback or need use cases on other topics, join our Discord community to let us know.


How to make a custom product order form in Jodoo?

Jodoo is an easy and extensive online form-builder that allows you to drag and drop to add proper fields and effortlessly create any type of form you like, such as product order forms, surveys, and exams. You can start with a ready-made template and customize it according to your needs. Or you can start from scratch and build your form with many different types of form fields and customization options.

What can I do after I've received my orders?

Jodoo's cloud-based dashboard allows for effective managing pipelines by creating one location with real-time visibility to track, manage, and forecast your business stats. Analyze the orders in your dashboard for actionable insights.

Is the product order template free?

Yes. Jodoo offers this great customizable template without any hidden charges or commissions. All money goes directly to you. Install the Product Order Template and start your business now!

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