Creating a Form from Excel


Feature Overview

Create from Excel enables you to create and design a form using an Excel file with speed and ease. You can directly import data from Excel to your form to manage the data.


Scenario Name

Problem Statement

Problem Solving

Equipment Management

How do I import basic equipment details (such as equipment status, model, and maintenance levels) from an Excel file into Jodoo?

Use the Create from Excel feature to directly import the necessary information into the system.

How to Create a Form from Excel

Creating a Form

Select an app, click , and click New Form > Create from Excel.

Setting the Header

After uploading an Excel file and choosing a sheet, select any row to be the header, which becomes field titles upon import. It is advised to place the header in the first row for automatic recognition and straightforward importing.

Setting the Form & Field Information

Set Form Name, Form Grouping, Field Name, and Field Type. The selection of field types is crucial as it affects the availability of advanced features such as formula, data linkage, and data association. For details, see Field.


When you create a form by importing an Excel file, the default name of the form is the name of the Excel file. If the form name exceeds 100 characters, it cannot be imported directly. You need to manually reduce the excess characters to successfully import the form.

Completing the Import

After you have set the header and field types, the system will generate the form automatically. Data in Excel will also be directly imported into the form. You can view these data on the Manage Data page.


Supported Fields

You can only import the following fields currently: Single Line, Multi Line, Number, Date&Time, Radio, Checkbox, Single Select, Multi Select, Member/Members, and Department/Departments.

Supported Data/Time Formats

The system can identify the date/time format in Excel when the following conditions are met:

  • The cell format is set to date.
  • Even if the cell format is not set to date, the system can recognize dates in the following formats:
    • 2021-07-22 18:30:33
    • 2021.07.22 18:30:33
    • 2021/07/22 18:30:33

Important points to note:

  • You can partially select hour, minute, and second. The system can identify just the year, month, and day, or it can recognize the date with hours and minutes but without seconds.
  • The system can identify months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds even if they are below ten. This means it can recognize dates whether you input "07" or "7".

If you only require the date without the time, adjust this in Field Properties > Type.

Importing Data into Checkbox/Multi Select Fields

In Excel, use a comma "," to separate multiple choices for a Checkbox/Multi Select field.

Select the field type as Checkbox or Multi Select during the importing process.

The effect is as follows:

You can also import data from Excel on the Manage Data page. For details, see Importing/Exporting Data in Manage Data.

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